Volunteer for Midwinter-to-Midwinter Task Forces and Committees
NMRT Vice President Nanette Donohue is currently recruiting members and chairs for two new NMRT task forces: the Marketing and Branding Task Force and the Internship Task Force. Each will run from Midwinter 2007 to Midwinter 2008, and conference attendance is not required for participation in either task force.
The Marketing and Branding Task Force will be responsible for preparing a report to the NMRT Executive Board describing best practices and methods for marketing NMRT to our target audience. The Internship Task Force will be responsible for investigating ways to coordinate internship opportunities within ALA divisions and roundtables, thus assisting NMRT members who are ready to transition to other groups within ALA. This task force will also investigate other opportunities for NMRT member involvement in ALA divisions and roundtables. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions relating to either of these new task forces, please contact Nanette Donohue (nwargo@champaign.org).
In addition, appointments for three NMRT Midwinter-to-Midwinter committees will begin this fall. Openings are available for members and chairs of the Archives, Handbook, and Midwinter Social committees. For further information about these committees, please visit the
NMRT Handbook. If you are interested in volunteering for any of the Midwinter to Midwinter committees or task forces, please fill out the NMRT Committee Interest Form.