New Members Round Table Executive Board
The purpose of the NMRT is to help those who have been association members less than ten years become actively involved in the association and the profession.
Executive Board Documents
The committees supervised by each board member are laid out in the current Committee Roster.
The duties and descriptions of board members is listed in greater detail in the Board section of the NMRT Handbook.
See ALA Connect for important Board matters.
Board Meeting Minutes
- 2009 Annual - Meeting (PDF, 94 KB)
- 2009 May - Electronic Meeting (PDF, 92 KB)
- 2009 April - Electronic Meeting (PDF, 132 KB)
- 2009 Midwinter - Meeting (PDF, 209 KB)
- 2008 December - Electronic Meeting (PDF, 19 KB)
- 2008 Annual - Meeting (PDF, 156 KB)
- 2008 April - Electronic Meeting (PDF, 27 KB)
- 2008 Midwinter - Meeting (PDF, 49 KB)
- 2007 November/December - Electronic Meeting (PDF, 20 KB)
- 2007 Annual - Meeting (PDF, 79 KB)
- 2006 March - Electronic Meeting (PDF, 57 KB)
- 2006 Midwinter - Meeting (PDF, 111 KB)
- 2006 January - Electronic Meeting (PDF, 29 KB)
- 2005 Annual - Meeting (PDF, 56 KB)
Related Files
- Budget Orientation 2008 (RTF, 17 KB)
- Check Request Form (Reimbursement), 2008-2009 (PDF, 66 KB)
- Vice-President/President Elect Planning Report, 2008-2009 (PDF, 25 KB)
- Presidents Final Report, 2004-2005
- Presidents Progress Report, 2004-2005
Presidents Planning Report 2004-2005
- Proposal for the Division of Officers Responsibilities (MS Word, 21 KB)
- Proposal for Committee Revision (MS Word, 21 KB)
- Organizational Review Supplement (MS Word, 21 KB)
- Organizational Review (MS Word, 187 KB)
- Organizational Review Executive Summary (MS Word, 61 KB)