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Censorship reports show a mixed picture on U.S. book challenges

In observance of Banned Books Week, the American Library Association and PEN America released reports on book censorship across the country.

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Core Webinar - Best of Core Forum: Transformative Agreements; Twisting Open Access

CHICAGO—Core hosts the webinar "Best of Core Forum: Transformative Agreements; Twisting Open Access" on February 21, 2024, at 1 p.m. CT. Transformative Agreements are large academic publishers’ latest model for increasing revenue and exploiting the Open...

Core Webinar - Best of Core Forum: Burnout in Libraries; A Research & Advocacy Panel

CHICAGO—Join Core for the webinar "Best of Core Forum: Burnout in Libraries; A Research & Advocacy Panel" on February 20, 2024, at 1 p.m. CT. In this panel discussion, participants will discuss burnout in libraries as researched and witnessed in both...

Now Accepting Proposals for Core Forum 2024 in Minneapolis

CHICAGO–Presentation proposals are now being accepted for Core Forum 2024, to be held November 14-16, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at the Hilton Minneapolis. Core Forum is an opportunity to reconnect with fellow colleagues and make new connections while...

Core Adds More to the “Best of Core Forum” Webinar Collection for 2023 Event

CHICAGO — Core is pleased to announce an updated list of selections for the second “Best of Core Forum” webinar collection. These webinars are based on programs presented at the 2023 Core Forum. The presenters are adapting the program content into live...

Core Webinar - Best of Core Forum: Getting Our Money’s Worth with eBook Acquisitions

CHICAGO –Join Core for the webinar "Best of Core Forum: Getting Our Money's Worth with eBook Acquisitions" on February 14, 2024, at 1 p.m. CT. With more than six years of data from the Demand Driven Acquisitions (DDA) program of an R1 university, the...

Core Webinar - Best of Core Forum: Data Visualizations and Dashboards; Lessons Learned

CHICAGO –Core hosts the webinar "Best of Core Forum: Data Visualizations and Dashboards; Lessons Learned" on February 13, 2024, at 1 p.m. CT. Like many libraries, Miami University's has storehouses full of operations data. However, challenges frequently...

Core Webinar - Best of Core Forum: Creating an Inclusive Metadata Policy

CHICAGO–Join Core for the webinar "Best of Core Forum: Creating an Inclusive Metadata Policy" on February 6, 2024, at 1 p.m. CT. The Brigham Young University Library is creating an Inclusive Metadata Policy for metadata creators to use when creating and...

Core Webinar - Best of Core Forum: BIPOC Women Leadership in Academic Libraries

CHICAGO –Core hosts the webinar "Best of Core Forum: BIPOC Women Leadership in Academic Libraries" on February 7, 2024, at 1 p.m. CT. This panel presentation is composed of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) women leaders, working in middle...

Core Webinar - Best of Core Forum: Designing for Human Behavior

CHICAGO –Core hosts the free webinar "Best of Core Forum: Designing for Human Behavior" on January 17, 2024, at 1 p.m. CT. This webinar discusses the different behavior and work patterns we have observed over our 30+ years of designing for public spaces...

Core Webinar - Best of Core Forum: Preservation as a Service; Applying a Customer-focused Framework while Caring for our Collections

CHICAGO –Core hosts the webinar "Best of Core Forum: Preservation as a Service; Applying a Customer-focused Framework while Caring for our Collections" on January 16, 2024, at 1 p.m. CT. The reference interview is a well-known concept in the library world...

Core Presents “Best of Core Forum” Webinar Collection for 2023 Event

CHICAGO –Core is pleased to present the second “Best of Core Forum” webinar collection, starting on January 16, 2024. These webinars are based on programs presented at the 2023 Core Forum. The presenters are adapting the program content into live webinars...

Core Webinar: Best of Core at ALA Annual Conference; Thinking Big

CHICAGO–Core hosts the webinar “Best of Core at ALA Annual Conference: Thinking Big” on March 27, 2024, at 1 p.m. CT. Faced with deficiencies of collection and space, and a failed tax referendum to address these needs, the Louisville Free Public Library...

Core Webinar: Opportunity in the Face of Crisis

CHICAGO–Core hosts the webinar “Opportunity in the Face of Crisis” on December 6, 2023, at 1 p.m. CT. The library at Coastal Carolina University managed multiple facilities projects and operational challenges while responding to a series of crises. The...

Core Webinar: What Candidates Want; Revamping Your Recruitment

CHICAGO–Core hosts the webinar “What Candidates Want: Revamping Your Recruitment” on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, at 1 p.m. CT. Interested in improving recruitment practices? This talk will highlight practical steps managers can take to make the search...

Core Webinar: Integrative Reflection in Action

CHICAGO–Join Core for the webinar “Integrative Reflection in Action” on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 1 p.m. CT. Reflection as an assessment tool has consistently been a topic of trending library research, especially in regard to information literacy...