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Censorship reports show a mixed picture on U.S. book challenges

In observance of Banned Books Week, the American Library Association and PEN America released reports on book censorship across the country.

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Librarian salaries jump 3 percent in 2010

Survey reports mean librarian salary $60,734, median $55,883 in 2010 CHICAGO – In the midst of tough economic times, job shortages and cutbacks, a report shows increases in library salaries. The 2010 edition of the "ALA-APA Salary Survey: Librarian -...

Nominate your librarian for Carnegie Corporation of New York/New York Times I Love My Librarian Award today

Deadline is Sept. 20 CHICAGO – Show your librarian your appreciation by nominating him/her for the 2010 Carnegie Corporation of New York/New York Times I Love My Librarian Award. The award invites library users nationwide to recognize the accomplishments...

ALA announces theme and titles for new round of Great Stories CLUB

Book club program will target underserved, troubled teen populations CHICAGO – The American Library Association (ALA) Public Programs Office and the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) announced the theme and book titles for the fourth round...

Voting open through September 17 for YALSA's Teens' Top Ten

CHICAGO — The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), invites all teens to get out the vote for the Teens’ Top Ten. Teens can vote for their favorite books from the last year in the annual...

ALA Office for Diversity seeks applicants for Discovering Librarianship recruitment program

CHICAGO— The American Library Association’s Office for Diversity and Spectrum Scholarship Program offers a unique opportunity for early career librarians to participate in a recruitment initiative focused on bringing ethnically diverse high school and...

BCALA honors members at 7th National Conference of African American Librarians

CHICAGO—The Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA), an affiliate of the American Library Association, presented five awards during its 7 th National Conference of African American Librarians, held Aug. 4-8, 2010 in Birmingham, Ala. The...

OHIONET supports Spectrum Presidential Initiative

CHICAGO—OHIONET, on behalf of academic, public, school and special libraries in Ohio, West Virginia and western Pennsylvania, has announced its support of the Spectrum Presidential Initiative with a contribution of $1,500. ALA President Roberta Stevens...

Bentonville (Ark.) Public Library hosts Naturalization Ceremony for 30 new Americans

CHICAGO – The Bentonville (Ark.) Public Library recently hosted a United States Naturalization Ceremony to mark the beginning of The American Dream Starts @ your library grant program. This American Library Association (ALA) initiative supports literacy...

AASL hosts coffee chats on national institute

CHICAGO – The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) held its first coffee chat session designed to help school librarians learn more about its national institute, Fall Forum. "In Focus: The Essentials for 21st-Century Learning," will be held...

YALSA offers readalikes for “Mockingjay”

CHICAGO - As Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games trilogy ends this month with the release of “Mockingjay”on Aug. 24, the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), can help parents, librarians and...

YALSA names Teen Read Week™ Mini Grants winners

CHICAGO — The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), announced the winners of its 10 Teen Read Week Mini Grants. The grants give each winning library $450 cash and $50 worth of official Teen...

YALSA President responds to Time’s “The Case Against Summer Vacation”

CHICAGO — Kim Patton, president of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association, delivered a statement to Time in response to its article, “ The Case Against Summer Vacation,” which appeared in the...

California Library Association supports Spectrum Presidential Initiative

CHICAGO—The California Library Association (CLA), a chapter of the American Library Association, has announced its support of the Spectrum Presidential Initiative with a contribution of $500. ALA President Roberta Stevens, Immediate Past President Dr...

LSSC accepting applications for course subsidies

CHICAGO - The Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) Program is accepting applications for 55 subsidies of $200 from LSSC candidates to enroll in and complete LSSC-approved courses. Candidates who receive a subsidy award will receive a $200...

Create your own story during National Library Week with the Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week Grant

Apply now to win $3,000 for your library CHICAGO - Libraries seeking to share their stories and raise public awareness are encouraged to apply for the 2011 Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week Grant. The library that develops the best...