For immediate release | December 21, 2021
ALA donates $15,000 to assist libraries in Louisiana and New Jersey damaged by Hurricane Ida
CHICAGO — Libraries and communities in Louisiana and the along the East Coast are still struggling to recover from damage from category 4 Hurricane Ida which ravaged a huge part of the country in August.
Thanks to support from members and other library supporters, the ALA Disaster Relief Fund is sending $5,000 each to the Lafourche Parish Library (Louisiana), the St. Charles Parish Library (Louisiana) and the Caldwell Public Library (New Jersey) restore and upgrade resources and services.
St. Charles Parish Library suffered damage to a number of locations, with the West Regional Library being totally exposed as one side of the building was torn down. St. Charles will use the donation to help replace books and furnishings that were lost.
Hurricane Ida destroyed a satellite branch and severely damaged the inside of one of the main branches of the Lafourche Parish Library, which included back-up servers. As Lafourche Parish Library builds back, ALA’s donation is helping the library migrate its back-up system to the Cloud.
Flooding destroyed the Caldwell Public Library’s Children’s Room, and the library is still not habitable. The donation will help with computers and furnishings for the temporary spaces the library has set up to support the community.
To make a donation to help rebuild libraries damaged during Hurricane Ida, or other recent disasters please go to ALA Disaster Relief Fund
Michael P. Dowling
American Library Association
Chapter Relations Office (CRO) International Relations Office (IRO)
mdowling@ala.orgFeatured News