For immediate release | July 6, 2021

MAGIRT Honors Award for 2021 presented to Carol McAuliffe and David Bertuca

CHICAGO — The Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT) Nominations and Awards Committee selected Carol McAuliffe and David Bertuca, as the recipients of the 2021 MAGIRT Honors Award. This award is presented in recognition of outstanding achievement and major contributions to map and geospatial librarianship and to the Round Table. They will each receive a $350 monetary award and a plaque.

McAuliffe is map librarian at the University of Florida. She has been an active member of MAGIRT since 2007, serving on the Publications Committee, the Education Committee, and on the MAGIRT Executive Board as secretary. She has tirelessly guided the Online Guide to U.S. Map Collections project and team for years, exploring myriad ways to improve it, and this year it was officially relaunched. Through a coordinated campaign and presentations at MAGIRT, WAML (Western Association of Map Libraries), and smaller regional gatherings (all virtual no less!), and multiple newsletters, the word is not only getting out but is receiving highly positive feedback and increasing participation. This resource will help researchers within and outside of the mapping field to locate cartographic research materials to aid in their own projects.

Bertuca is map librarian emeritus at University at Buffalo (UB). During his time working at UB Libraries (1984-2019), He worked in cataloging, serials, website administration and finally as the head of the Map Collection and liaison to the Department of Geography. He also taught cataloging in the University’s Department of Library Science program. Outside of UB, David has contributed to the field of map librarianship in countless ways. He was active in the North East Map Organization (NEMO) from 1999-2013, serving in roles including as president (2011-2013, 2002-2003), board member (2002-2013), website editor (2000-2015), newsletter editor (1999-2013), and annual meeting coordinator (2011-2012, 2002, 2003, 2011). He was also a member of MAGIRT. From 2006-2019, he wrote the bi-monthly column “New Maps and Cartographic Materials, Along with Other Items of Interest” for base line: a Newsletter of the Map and Geography Round Table . His “Map Catalogers’ Tool Box” ( ) is a valuable tool for map catalogers, referenced as recently as October 2019 in the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services webinar titled Special Collections Cataloging: Maps .

Congratulations to both Carol and David on their accomplishments!


Iris Taylor

MAGIRT Past Chair

Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT)