For immediate release | June 15, 2021
United for Libraries’ June 29 Learning Live session to be presented during ALA Annual Virtual Conference
EXTON, Pennsylvania — United for Libraries’ monthly virtual series, Learning Live, will continue with “Gift Acceptance Policies Part 1: When "Free" Isn't Free” at 11 a.m. Central on Tuesday, June 29. Featured presenters will include Charity Tyler, executive director at Cedar Rapids (Iowa) Public Library Foundation, and Clare D. Membiela, library law consultant at Library of Michigan.
The Learning Live program is normally presented free to United for Libraries members only, but this session will also be available to all registrants of the ALA Annual Virtual Conference. The Zoom link will be provided to Conference registrants in the program scheduler. United members should register for the session using this form.
When it comes to donations to the library, free isn't always "free." Find out how to craft or revise your library or group's gift acceptance policy. Participants will learn how to ensure they are prepared for navigating how to handle proposed gifts and donations. The presenters will conduct a Q&A session, so bring your questions on this topic.
Charity Tyler is the 2021-2022 president of United for Libraries. She has been executive director of the Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation since 2015. For the foundation, she has created policies and improved governance structures to support fundraising on behalf of the Cedar Rapids Public Library, and to support Foundation-funded programs including Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. For United for Libraries, she has led the Programming Committee and Governance Task Force.
As the library law consultant at the Library of Michigan, Clare Membiela helps public libraries understand and manage legal issues that impact library services. Before joining the Library of Michigan in 2016, she was the associate director for library and instructional support for the Western Michigan University Cooley Law School Libraries. Before moving to Michigan, she worked at the University of Miami Law Library as the head of reference services. Prior to her academic library work, she worked for two major law firms as a librarian in their Miami offices. She has an MLS. from Southern Connecticut State University, a JD from the University of Miami, and 30 years of law library experience. She is excited about helping public libraries by connecting them to the legal information they need.
United for Libraries Learning Live sessions typically take place on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. Eastern Time. Each month’s session will cover a hot topic of interest to Trustees, Friends and/or Foundations, followed by a Q&A and/or discussions. Sessions are open to all personal and group members of United for Libraries.
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