For immediate release | February 7, 2020

Booker, Neal and Rivera to serve on ALA Executive Board

CHICAGO - The American Library Association (ALA) Council has elected Latrice Booker, Larry Neal and Alexandra Rivera to serve on the ALA Executive Board. The Executive Board election took place during the 2020 ALA Midwinter Meeting held Jan. 24-28, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Elected board members will begin a three-year term beginning in July 2020 and concluding in June 2023.

Latrice Booker is the dean of library services at Indiana University Northwest. She holds a B.A. in Spanish from IU Northwest, an MLS from Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis and an MBA from IU Northwest. Booker is currently pursuing an Ed.D. in Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University Bloomington. She serves as Indiana Library Federation president-elect; an executive board member of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA); an ALA councilor at-large; and a member of the ALA Committee on Organization and the ALA Council Orientation Committee. Her professional affiliations include the Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA); the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL); the Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT); the Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table (EMIERT); the Library Research Round Table (LRRT); the Rainbow Round Table (RRT); the Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT); the National Association to Promote Literacy and Information Skills to Latinos and Spanish Speaking (REFORMA); and the Joint Conference of Librarians of Color (JCLC).

Larry Neal is the director of the Clinton-Macomb Public Library in Clinton Township, Michigan and adjunct clinical associate professor at the University of Michigan School of Information, Ann Arbor, Michigan. He holds a B.A. in Spanish and German and an MBA from Oakland University as well as an MSI-LIS from the University of Michigan. He is a past president of the Michigan Library Association and the Public Library Association (PLA), a division of ALA. He currently serves as a member of ALA Council and the ALA Planning and Budget Assembly. Neal is an ALA Public Policy and Advocacy Office Policy Corps fellow and a member of the ALA Policy Corps Workgroup. His professional affiliations include LLAMA, PLA, United for Libraries, International Relations Round Table, RRT, Michigan Library Association and the Freedom to Read Foundation.

Alexandra Rivera is the student success and community engagement librarian at the University of Michigan Library in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Rivera holds an MLIS from the University of Michigan School of Information and a BS from Northern Arizona University in Communications, Broadcasting and Production. She is an ALA Spectrum Scholar, has served as an Association of Research Libraries Leadership and Career Development Program fellow and is an ALA Equality Award recipient. Rivera currently serves as an ALA councilor at-large, chair of the ALA Nominating Committee and vice president of the (JCLC). Rivera has served as a past chair of ACRL - University Libraries Section. Her professional affiliations include ACRL, EMIERT, IFRT, Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT), New Members Round Table (NMRT), JCLC, REFORMA, BCALA, and the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA).

The ALA Executive Board manages the affairs of the Association. It is composed of the president, president-elect, immediate past president, treasurer, executive director and eight members elected by Council from among the members of that body. For more information on the Executive Board, please visit


Sheryl Reyes


American Library Association

ALA Governance
