For immediate release | June 18, 2018

ALA announces Diversity Research Grants

CHICAGO – The American Library Association’s (ALA) Office of Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2018-2019 Diversity Research Grant. This grant financially assists researchers in completing a project that is closely tied to equity, diversity, and/or inclusion in the library and information sciences field.

The Diversity Research Grant has been sponsored by ALA’s Office of Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services since 2002 and the recipients are chosen by a jury of ALA members. The recipients of this one-time $2,500 grant are expected to compile the results of their research into a paper and will be asked to present or publish the final product in a publication of their choosing within three months of completing of the project. Each year recent recipients are invited to share findings at the News You Can Use Diversity Research Grants Update at the ALA Midwinter Meeting.

The first grant is awarded to Anthony Bernier of San Jose State University. Bernier’s project “Searching for First Generation LIS Student Success” will analyze the experience of First Generation masters students enrolled at San Jose State University’s School of Information. This research will then address the gap in various literatures that have omitted the First-Generation graduate student experience, both on-campus and virtually.

The second grant is awarded to Julie Marie Frye and Maria Hassler-Barker. Their project, “Callar o compartir: cómo los bibliotecarios bilingües emplean el idioma para apoyar o resistir la hegemonía | Silence or share: how bilingual librarians use language to support or resist hegemony”” will investigate the unconscious act of gate-keeping that may happen when librarians are interacting with non-native English speakers.

The third and final grant is awarded to Stephanie Toliver and Mariah Parker of the University of Georgia. Their project, “Black Girls Dreaming: Black Girls Analyzing and Evaluating Speculative Fiction by Black Authors”, will examine the current offerings of speculative fiction for black girls and create guidelines for literacy stakeholders and parents seeking to select books that explore creativity.

ALA’s Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services offers thanks to the Diversity Research Grants Advisory Committee for their work on selecting the 2018-2019 Diversity Research Grant Recipients: Twanna K. Hodge (chair), Jessica Dawn Humphries, Thura Reed Mack, Charlene Maxey-Harris, Leslie. L Morgan, Beth Joy Patin, Loriene Roy, and Lettycia Terrones.

For more information on the Diversity Research Grants, please visit:

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For more information on the Diversity Research Grants, please visit:


Amber Hayes

Outreach and Communications Program Officer

Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services