For immediate release | March 3, 2017

SustainRT offers $500 travel award to attend ALA Annual Conference in Chicago

CHICAGO - The American Library Association Sustainability Round Table (SustainRT) is inviting submissions for its first-ever travel award, featuring a $500 good for travel costs for ALA’s 2017 Annual Conference in Chicago.

To apply for the award, applicants are invited to submit a 60 second video under the theme “Green is the New Black,” explaining how libraries can empower their customers and communities to create a greener, more sustainable future. Creativity is encouraged. Applicants must be SustainRT members. To add SustainRT to your membership, please log in to or call 800-545-2433, ext. 7.

Submissions will be accepted through 11:59 PM CT on March 15, 2017. To submit your video, please visit

Following the deadline, SustainRT will select and post the top three videos on the SustainRT Facebook page. The video receiving the most “likes” by 11:59PM CT on March 31, 2017 will be selected and announced as the winner on the SustainRT blog on April 1, 2017.

SustainRT was created as a venue in which members exchange ideas and opportunities regarding sustainability in order to move toward a more equitable, healthy and economically viable society. The mission of the organization is to provide resources for the library community to support sustainability through curriculum development; collections; exhibits; events; advocacy, communication, library buildings and space design. SustainRT is open to all ALA members and will include both individual members and organizational members.


John L. Amundsen

Program Officer, Outreach and Communications

ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy & Outreach Services

(312) 280-2140