For immediate release | April 12, 2016

Innovative and successful diversity-in-action ideas sought for 2016 ALA Diversity & Outreach Fair

CHICAGO – The ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services invites library professionals from all kinds of institutions to submit proposals to participate in the 2016 Diversity and Outreach Fair, to be held from 3 – 5 p.m. on Saturday, June 25 at the American Library Association's Annual Conference in Orlando. Applications will be accepted through Tuesday, May 17, 2016.

Generously sponsored by DEMCO, the ALA Diversity and Outreach Fair is an opportunity for libraries and member groups to share their successful diversity and outreach initiatives with ALA Annual Conference attendees, celebrate diversity in America’s libraries and exhibit “diversity in action” ideas. The theme of this year’s Fair will be “Libraries Transform: Outreach in Response to Civil Unrest”

The 2016 Diversity and Outreach Fair will feature innovative and successful library-based programs geared towards community service in times of crisis. As recent events have witnessed, libraries have provided vital information and safe spaces during periods of civil unrest, providing a much needed anchor for local residents.

Also considered for participation are proposals that highlight library services to underserved or underrepresented communities, including people with disabilities; poor and homeless populations; people of color; English-language learners; gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people; new Americans, new and non-readers; older adults; people living in rural areas; incarcerated people and ex-offenders and mobile library services and bookmobiles.

Selected presenters will develop and facilitate a poster session to be held during the ALA 2016 Annual Conference in the exhibits hall. In addition, the participants are encouraged to submit, in digital format, information and resources from their program.

For more information, and to apply, please visit


For over 100 years Demco ( has supported the valuable work of librarians—taking pride in providing the best service possible. Demco’s mission is to continue to anticipate future needs, to supply products and services that support the activities of library professionals and improve library environments by making them more attractive and user-friendly. Demco demonstrates their continuing commitment to library professionals through their support of the Library Champions Program and participation at ALA’s conferences.

About the Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services

The ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services supports library and information science workers in creating safe, responsible, and all-inclusive spaces that serve and represent the entire community. To accomplish this, we decenter power and privilege by facilitating conversations around access and identity as they impact the profession and those we serve. We use a social justice framework to inform library and information science workers' development of resources. We strive to create an association culture where these concerns are incorporated into everybody's everyday work.


John L. Amundsen

Program Officer, Outreach and Communications

ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services

(312) 280-2140