For immediate release | March 25, 2016
Carnegie Whitney Grant 2016 winners
CHICAGO —The Carnegie-Whitney Grant provides grants for the preparation, either in print and/or electronically, of popular or scholarly reading lists, webliographies, indexes and other guides to library resources that will be useful to users of all types of libraries in the United States.
The American Library Association Publishing Committee is proud to announce the 2016 Carnegie-Whitney Award winners, whose proposed projects promote reading or the use of library resources.
- Andy Alali: Hip-Hop Music Across Cultures: Resources and Research Guide to Identities in the Diaspora
- Marilyn Arnone: Literary and Informational Pairings: A Searchable Paired Booklist to Excite Students About Reading and Caring for the Environment
- Samantha Hastings & Sara Schwebel: Lone Women and Last Indians Periodical Guide
- Deirdre Hirschtritt: Exploring Jewish History in Rust Belt Cities
- Sue Kimmel: E is for Engineering
- Heather Lea Moulaison: An Annotated Bibliography of Personal Digital Archiving Resources
- Kate Nyhan: Open Educational Resources for Adult English Language Learners: An Annotated Bibliography
- Katherine Pionke: A Resource Guide about Disabilities, Disability Theory, and Assistive Technologies
- Kristine Shrauger: DIVerse Families: Growth in Family Diversity A Comprehensive Bibliography PK-12
A list of past award winners is available on the ALA website.
Applications for the next cycle must be received by Nov. 6, 2016. Recipients will be notified by the end of February 2017.
Visit the ALA website for more information and guidelines, or contact Mary Jo Bolduc, Grant Administrator, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611; Fax (312) 280-5275; email:
Mary Jo Bolduc
Program Officer
American Library Association
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