For immediate release | March 31, 2016

ALSC, PLA Provide Access to Articles on ECRR Survey Results

CHICAGO —The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) and the Public Library Association (PLA), divisions of the American Library Association, are pleased to announce preliminary findings from their three-year Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) National Leadership Project grant, “Bringing Home Early Literacy: Determining the Impact of Library Programming on Parent Behavior.”

The research project, in its third year, led by Dr. Susan B. Neuman, professor and chair of the Teaching and Learning Department, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development, New York University, and Donna C. Celano, assistant professor, communication, La Salle University, Pennsylvania, is examining how PLA/ALSC’s Every Child Ready to Read® @ your library® Second Edition (ECRR2) early literacy programming offered by public libraries affects parent behavior and engagement during their children’s most formative years. Data collection and analysis are being conducted onsite in libraries over a period of three years.

As part of the study, Neuman and Celano recently published two articles related to the research and its preliminary findings, which point to ECRR2’s positive impact on the ongoing literacy behaviors of adults including librarians themselves. Especially promising results are being shown for families who are English Language Learners (ELLs) and in reaching children in high-need communities who are likely to enter school less prepared than their wealthier peers.

PLA and ALSC have posted the two articles, “Libraries Emerging as Leaders in Parent Engagement” and “Libraries at the Ready,” on the Every Child Ready to Read website. Please note that due to copyright restrictions, the latter article does require an ALA member login and password. PLA and ALSC have secured access to the articles for at least one year. The articles are valuable advocacy resources that showcase the important work that libraries do in building communities, engaging families, and supporting the growth and development of children.

For those attending the PLA National Conference in Denver, Neuman will present “Every Child Ready to Read and Its Impact on Parents in Your Community” from 2:- 3 p.m. on Friday, April 8, 2016, at the Colorado Convention Center.

It is anticipated that research results will be available in late 2017. At that time, ALSC and PLA will share widely results and their implications for the library’s impact on the community.

About ALSC

The Association for Library Service to Children is the world's largest organization dedicated to the support and enhancement of library service to children. ALSC's network includes more than 4,000 children's and youth librarians, children's literature experts, publishers, education and library school faculty members, and other adults dedicated to creating a better future for children through libraries.

About PLA

The Public Library Association (PLA) is a division of the American Library Association. PLA’s core purpose is to strengthen public libraries and their contribution to the communities they serve. Its mission is to enhance the development and effectiveness of public library staff and public library services.


Laura Schulte-Cooper

Program Officer, Communications