For immediate release | October 1, 2013
LITA/Ex Libris seeking LIS student authors
CHICAGO - The Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is pleased to offer an award for the best unpublished manuscript submitted by a student or students enrolled in an ALA-accredited graduate program. Sponsored by LITA and Ex Libris, the award consists of $1,000, publication in LITA’s refereed journal, Information Technology and Libraries (ITAL), and a certificate. The deadline for submission of the manuscript is Feb. 28, 2014.
The purpose of the award is to recognize superior student writing and to enhance the professional development of students. The manuscript can be written on any aspect of libraries and information technology. Examples include digital libraries, metadata, authorization and authentication, electronic journals and electronic publishing, telecommunications, distributed systems and networks, computer security, intellectual property rights, technical standards, desktop applications, online catalogs and bibliographic systems, universal access to technology, library consortia and others.
At the time the unpublished manuscript is submitted, the applicant must be enrolled in an ALA-accredited program in library and information studies at the masters or PhD level.
To be eligible, applicants must follow the detailed guidelines and fill out the application form at Send the signed, completed forms by Feb. 28, 2014 to the Award Committee Chair, Regina Koury, Idaho State University, Eli M. Oboler Library, 950 South 9th, Pocatello, ID 83209-8089. Submit the manuscript to Regina electronically at by Feb. 28, 2014.
The award will be presented at the LITA President’s Program during the 2014 ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas.
About Ex Libris
Ex Libris is a leading provider of automation solutions for academic libraries. Offering the only comprehensive product suite for electronic, digital, and print materials, Ex Libris provides efficient, user-friendly products that serve the needs of libraries today and will facilitate their transition into the future. Ex Libris maintains an impressive customer base consisting of thousands of sites in more than 80 countries on six continents. For more information about Ex Libris Group visit
About LITA
Established in 1966, LITA is the leading organization reaching out across types of libraries to provide education and services for a broad membership including systems librarians, library administrators, library schools, vendors and many others interested in leading edge technology and applications for librarians and information providers. For more information, visit, or contact the LITA office by phone, 800-545-2433, ext. 4268; or e-mail:
For further information, please contact Mary Taylor at LITA, 312-280-4267.
Mary Taylor
LITA Executive Director
American Library Association
Library and Information Technology Association (LITA)
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