For immediate release | September 10, 2013

LLAMA webinar will focus on library fundraising on the Web

CHICAGO — When fundraising for your Library, how do you effectively reach donors over the Web? The Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) will present “A Conversation about Websites for Library Fundraising: Perspectives from Duke University and the University of Texas” from 1:30 to 3 p.m. (Central time) on Wednesday, Sept. 25. This webinar will be a structured conversation with chief library fundraisers from two distinguished academic libraries.

Presenters: Thomas Hadzor, director of development, Duke University Libraries; Gregory Perrin, chief development officer, University of Texas Libraries

Participants will:

  • learn key concepts that guided the decisions about content and design for their library fundraising websites;
  • understand the connection between the library’s website for fundraising and institutional fundraising;
  • gain an understanding of the issues to consider when financial transactions are enabled from websites;
  • learn about use of Web and social media tools to identify prospects;
  • gain suggestions as to whether or not to use a Web presence for different types of fundraising (capital campaigns, annual giving, estate gifts, etc.);
  • be made aware of cautions and concerns with library fundraising on the Web.


LLAMA member: $49

Non-LLAMA member $59

LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at one site) $199

Non-LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at one site) $239

Register online:

For questions about this webinar or other LLAMA programs, contact Fred Reuland.

About the Library Leadership and Management Association

The Library Leadership and Management Association ( advances outstanding leadership and management practices in library and information services by encouraging and nurturing individual excellence in current and aspiring library leaders. LLAMA is a division of the American Library Association


Fred Reuland

Program Officer, Continuing Education

Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA)