For immediate release | August 28, 2013
RFP: Project director for the creation of 'Guidelines for Provision of Financial Literacy Education Services in Libraries'
CHICAGO—The American Library Association (ALA) has issued an RFP for a project director to oversee creation of guidelines and best practices for financial literacy education (FLE) services provided by libraries, including research and preparation of guidelines and best practices documents, a roll-out plan and white paper, a webinar, and measures of the success of these materials through interviews, surveys and questionnaires.
The creation of these guidelines and best practices in FLE is funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the ALA, will administer the project, with an expected completion date of October 1, 2014. Download the complete Request for Proposal (PDF).
The project director will select, convene and manage two groups. The first is a nine-member Advisory Group, including representatives from the following committed partners—the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Center of Financial Security, Naperville (Ill.) Public Library, Brooklyn (N.Y.) Public Library, and FINRA Foundation—with other organizations invited to join during the grant year. The second is a four-member Working Team, consisting of the project director and volunteers from RUSA’s Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS), which will conduct necessary research, identify, select and assemble best practices, model programs and suggested activities for the larger Advisory Group, then winnow the results into a clear, easy-to-follow framework for both the guidelines and curriculum.
The project director will oversee creation of the following deliverables:
- a final copy of national guidelines for library-based FLE;
- a draft copy of the FLE best practices guide;
- a 90-minute FLE “beta” webinar introducing the guidelines and best practices;
- a roll-out plan for all materials and a white paper.
For more details about the grant, please download the narrative (PDF).
Applicants for this project director role must email (preferred) or mail their proposals by 5:00 p.m. Central time on September 23, 2013 to Susan Hornung, RUSA executive director, at or to American Library Association, Attention: Susan Hornung, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611.
Questions about the RFP or requests for further information should be addressed to Susan Hornung at the contact information listed above, or by phone at 800-545-2433, x4395.
The Reference and User Services Association, a division of the American Library Association, represents librarians and library staff in the fields of reference, specialized reference, collection development, readers’ advisory and resource sharing. RUSA is the foremost organization of reference and information professionals who make the connections between people and the information sources, services, and collection materials they need. Not a member, but interested in discounted registration rates on conference, preconferences and other events? Join, renew or add RUSA to your ALA membership at Learn more about the association at
Liz Markel
Marketing & Programs Manager
Reference and User Services Association (RUSA)
lmarkel@ala.orgFeatured News