For immediate release | July 23, 2013

LLAMA webinar explores how to manage the one-person library

CHICAGO — The one-person library presents many unique challenges for a librarian. Lacking big budgets, staff and often time, the solo librarian must be both the strongest advocate for the library and the face of the library, while running all the behind-the-scenes operations. The Library Leadership & Management Association (LLAMA) presents “Going Solo: Managing the One Person Library” from 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. Central on Wednesday, Aug. 7.

This webinar will address time management issues and help solo librarians prioritize tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed. It will also address strategies for advocating for your library and managing/effecting change where you might not have direct control, finding resources, help and mentors.

Presenter Patti McCall is reference and instruction librarian at the University of Central Florida, Orlando.

Participants will learn:

  • Ways to advocate for your library through outreach and marketing;
  • Proven time management techniques;
  • How to manage upward/effecting change in areas where you do not have direct control;
  • How to identify helpful resources (mentors, help, professional organizations, networking, professional development).


LLAMA members: $49

Non-LLAMA member $59

LLAMA group rate (five or more people at one site) $199

Non-LLAMA group rate (five or more people at one site) $239

Register online:

*All paid registrants will receive a link to the archived version for convenient viewing later.

For questions about this webinar or other LLAMA programs, contact Fred Reuland.

About the Library Leadership and Management Association

The Library Leadership and Management Association ( advances outstanding leadership and management practices in library and information services by encouraging and nurturing individual excellence in current and aspiring library leaders. LLAMA is a division of the American Library Association.


Fred Reuland

Program Officer, Continuing Education

Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA)