For immediate release | April 26, 2013

Eberhart’s bestselling library handbook packed with essential data, professional advice, curiosa

CHICAGO — Now in its fifth edition, AL Direct Senior Editor George M. Eberhart’s “The Whole Library Handbook 5: Current Data, Professional Advice, and Curiosa,” published by ALA Editions, is an encyclopedia filled with facts, tips, lists and resources essential for library professionals and information workers of all kinds, all carefully handpicked to reflect the most informative, practical, up-to-date and entertaining examples of library literature. Organized in easy-to-find categories, this unique compendium covers all areas of librarianship from academic libraries to teen services, from cataloging to copyright, and from gaming to social media. Both educational and entertaining, its selections include:

  • Facts and figures on library workers;
  • Bookmobile guidelines;
  • A look at library technology, from Internet services and webinars to digital resources and e-books;
  • 100 great libraries of the world;
  • Job search and recruitment techniques, and advice on how to deal with tough economic times;
  • Tips on writing articles and book reviews;
  • Fun with cataloging rules;
  • Famous librarians’ favorite books.

Eberhart is a senior editor of American Libraries magazine for the American Library Association. Since 2006 he has been the editor of AL Direct, ALA’s weekly e-newsletter. From 1980 to 1990 he was editor of College & Research Libraries News, the news magazine of ALA’s Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). Author of “The Librarian's Book of Lists,” he has also written on the subjects of UFOs, cryptozoology and postcard collecting.

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Related Links

"The Whole Library Handbook 5: Current Data, Professional Advice, and Curiosa"

"The Whole School Library Handbook 2"

"The Librarian's Book of Lists"


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