For immediate release | April 23, 2013

Award nominations sought for IFRT Gerald Hodges Intellectual Freedom Chapter Relations Award

CHICAGO - The ALA Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) is seeking nominations for the inaugural Gerald Hodges Intellectual Freedom Chapter Relations Award. The award will be presented, along with the Immroth Award, at IFRT’s 40th Anniversary Celebration, to be held on Friday, June 28, 2013, in conjunction with the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago.

The deadline for nominations is Monday, May 13, 2013. The nomination form can be found at

The Gerald Hodges Intellectual Freedom Chapter Relations Award will recognize an Intellectual Freedom focused organization that has developed a strong multi-year, ongoing program or a single, one-year project that exemplifies support for Intellectual Freedom, patron confidentiality and anti-censorship efforts. ALA Chapters (state, regional, and student), Divisions, Round Tables and Affiliates (including division affiliates) will be eligible for the award.

The award consists of a citation and $1,000 from the ALA Gerald Hodges Fund, established following Hodges’ death in 2006.

Gerald Hodges joined the ALA staff in 1989 as director of membership services and the Chapter Relations Office. At his death in 2006, he was the associate director of communications and marketing, but his passion was still Intellectual Freedom and Chapter Relations. A charter member of the ALA Legacy Society, Hodges willed a portion of his estate to support ALA's intellectual freedom efforts. Memorial contributions in recognition of Hodges came from many friends, colleagues and ALA chapters following the establishment of the Gerald Hodges Fund.

ALA’s use of this Fund to support this award commemorates Hodges’s twin passions for intellectual freedom and the powerful capabilities of ALA’s chapters. The award takes the place of the IFRT State and Regional Intellectual Freedom Achievement Award, which from 2009 was given to the most innovative and effective intellectual freedom project covering a state or region.

Nominations and supporting evidence for the Gerald Hodges Intellectual Freedom Chapter Relations Award must be received by May 13, 2013. Nominations and supporting evidence should be sent via email, fax, or mail to: Shumeca Pickett, ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Fax: 312-280-4227. E-mail: Questions? Call 312-280-4220 or 800-545-2433, ext. 4220.

Information on all IFRT intellectual awards can be found at


Jonathan M. Kelley

Program Coordinator

Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF)

800-545-2433 ext.4226