For immediate release | April 23, 2013

ALA Election closes April 26

CHICAGO - The 2013 ALA election will close at 11:59 p.m. CDT on Friday, April 26 If you have not yet cast your vote, please do so! If you have “parked” your ballot (started but not yet completed), please return to complete the process. In the event you cannot locate the email with your voting credentials, the ALA Member and Customer Service Department can help you. Contact them at, or 1 (800) 545-2433, option 5.

As of April 22, approximately 19.81 percent of the eligible voters had submitted their ballots. This compares with 19.14 percent at the same time in 2012. We’re closing in on the 2012 total turnout of as 20.9 percent, so let’s try to meet or beat that number!

The ALA Election Committee will meet at ALA Headquarters on Friday May 3 to certify the election results. The results will be publically announced that afternoon. All newly-elected officers will be seated at the close of the 2013 Annual Conference in Chicago.

Information about the ALA election and the candidates can be found in “Your Guide to the 2013 ALA Elections” at A pdf version of the guide can be found at


JoAnne M Kempf

Director, Governance Office

Executive Office (EXEC)

1-800-545-2433 ext.3212