For immediate release | April 22, 2013
Achieving transformational change in academic libraries
CHICAGO—While academic libraries frequently undergo periods of strategic change, “Transformational Change” may be seen as fundamentally different. Often representing cultural change on a deep level, it may be traumatic for individuals. But organizationally, such change can prove essential. Stephen Mossop’s “Achieving Transformational Change in Academic Libraries,” published by Chandos Publishing and available through ALA Neal-Schuman, explores the purpose and nature of “Transformational Change” and its exponents and discusses the benefits and limitations of its place in an academic library setting. Divided into five chapters, Mossop covers:
- A definition of transformational change;
- Drivers of transformational change and its place in a strategic change agenda;
- Selling the vision of cultural change;
- Human resource issues and cultural change;
- The nature of change as a constant.
Mossop is head of library services at the University of Exeter, UK. He has published and presented widely on aspects of strategic organizational development and library management and has special interests in library design, RFID and customer relationship management. He is best known for his 2008 case study on RFID at the University of Central Lancashire (for the BIC e4libraries project).
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Related Links
"Achieving Transformational Change in Academic Libraries"
"Meeting the Needs of Student Users in Academic Libraries: Reaching Across the Great Divide"
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