For immediate release | October 16, 2012
Deadline approaching! Volunteer to serve on ALA or Council committees for 2013 - 2014
CHICAGO — Barbara Stripling, American Library Association (ALA) president-elect, encourages members to volunteer to serve on ALA and Council committees for the 2013-2014 term (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014). Committee appointments will be finalized at the 2013 ALA Midwinter Meeting, with notifications sent out in early spring, 2013. Stripling chairs both the Committee on Appointments (COAppt ) and the Committee on Committees (COC).
The online committee volunteer form (log in required) closes on Friday, Nov. 2, 2012. To volunteer, please complete and submit the form electronically (be sure to select "ALA" in the drop-down menu on the main form to volunteer for both ALA and Council committees).
Serving on an ALA or Council committee provides members with leadership training, networking opportunities and experience in working on specific association topics.
Volunteers are sought for the following committees: Accreditation; American Libraries Advisory; Awards; Budget, Analysis and Review; Chapter Relations; Conference; Constitution and Bylaws; Council Orientation; Diversity; Education; Election; Human Resource Development and Recruitment Advisory; Information Technology Policy Advisory; Intellectual Freedom; International Relations; Legislation; Library Advocacy; Literacy; Literacy and Outreach Services Advisory; Membership; Membership Meetings; Organization; Professional Ethics; Public and Cultural Programs Advisory; Public Awareness; Publishing; Research and Statistics; Resolutions; Rural, Native and Tribal Libraries of All Kinds; Scholarships and Study Grants; Status of Women in Librarianship; Training, Orientation and Leadership Development; Website Advisory; ALA-Children’s Book Council (Joint); and ALA-Society of American Archivists-Association of American of Museums (Joint).
For technical assistance or for more information on the committee appointments process, contact Kerri Price, COAppt. and COC staff liaison (
Kerri Price
Executive Board Secretariat
Executive Office (EXEC)
kprice@ala.org800-545-2433 ext. 3203
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