For immediate release | September 26, 2012

ALA partners in Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual Conference, October 3-5

CHICAGO —ALA is pleased to join the Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual Conference again as a partner. During this unique global conversation on the current and future state of libraries and celebration of innovation, ALA staff and members will share expertise and content in several sessions on the program, covering e-book models for public libraries, what libraries can learn from e-reading data, restoring contemplation and models for collaboration.

Founded in 2011 and sponsored by San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science, the online Library 2.012 is a free conference held in multiple time zones over the course of three days, October 3-5. Subject strands include physical and virtual learning spaces, evolving professional roles in today's world, organizing and creating information, changing delivery methods, user-centered access and mobile and geo-social information environments.

The following sessions appear as “ALA Presents:”

Ebook Business Models for Public Libraries presented by Carrie Russell, director of the Program on Public Access to Information at ALA’s Office for Information Technology Policy and Bob Wolven, with a focus on e-book business models that are favorable to librarians and publishers, and what libraries can do to prove to publishers that public libraries are their most important customers. Studies indicate that library borrowing enhances sales for books and prove that library e-book borrowers are also e-book buyers. What else can we do to convince publishers that selling to libraries is a win-win? The ALA working group addressing this issue has developed six business models with license terms that would be acceptable to both libraries and publishers. This session will explore these options and provide an update on the behind-the-scenes activities of library/publisher negotiations.

What Can Libraries Learn from New User (and Non-User!) E-Reading Data from the Pew Internet Project? presented by Larra Clark, ALA program director and Kathryn Zickuhr, Pew Internet research analyst. One year ago, the Pew Research Center began studying how the role of public libraries, as well as the needs and expectations of their patrons and communities, are changing in the digital age. Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, grounded by a library advisory group, and conducted by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, the first set of reports focus on the rise of e-reading and e-books at libraries. Among the findings: 12 percent of e-book readers have borrowed an e-book from a library; 58 percent of library card holders are unsure if their library offers e-books; and a majority of e-book borrowers were unable to borrow an e-book they were seeking at their library. The session offers more on these key findings – including a brand-new analysis focused on younger American’s reading preferences and library use habits. The session will also explore immediate practical implications for U.S. public libraries.

Restoring Contemplation -- Why We Should and How Libraries Can Help, the ALA "Spotlight" session presented by Jessie L. Mannisto in collaboration with the ALA Office for Information Technology Policy, on how libraries and librarians are uniquely positioned to help us find a balanced digital lifestyle. Mannisto argues that digital overload is essentially an issue of information literacy. Beginning with a brief overview of recent research on our wired brains, she’ll show the benefits of periods of disconnection, exploring the difference between information gathering and information processing and using examples from both organizations and individuals. “The future of libraries is not only about embracing new technology. It’s also about what we’ve always done better than anyone: providing the space and tools for contemplation.”

The Influence of E-Trends on Library Management presented by Kathy Rosa, director of the ALA Office for Research and Statistics, will address current e-trends, why they demand changes in library management, and how you can manage the changes instead of letting the changes manage you. E-trends are complicating the traditional library management functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. The results of this megatrends-style analysis of popular media, library statistics, job descriptions and LIS research will help participants form a realistic picture of current e-trends and leave with strategies for managing the changes resulting from them.

Collaboration, Innovation, Education: A Model for Successful Financial Literacy Programming at the Library presented by Aubrey B. Carroll, information service manager at Florence County (S. C.) Library System, which recently instituted a highly successful financial literacy initiative funded through the Smart Investing@your library® program, a partnership between ALA and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, and administered by RUSA (Reference and User Services Association, a division of ALA). The presentation includes tips on how the library leveraged the resources of existing successful partnerships, proven program models and custom-tailored marketing strategies to reach all age levels in the community and register a significant impact on the financial knowledge of local citizens, as well as strategies that can be adapted to many aspects of library programming.

More information and the sign-up form are available on the Library 2.012 website.

Related Links

Library 2.012 website


Mary Mackay

Director, Marketing

American Library Association

800-545-2433 ext.1532