For immediate release | October 11, 2011

Celebrate autumn @ your library

CHICAGO — Between fall breaks, Halloween and Thanksgiving, fall is a busy time of year for everyone @ your library.

Here are just a few examples of how libraries are celebrating autumn.

The Burbank (Calf.) Public Library will host Fall Cool Crafts @ your library. Children in grades 1-8 are invited to visit the library and begin preparing their Halloween costumes by making masks.

Carving pumpkins and baking pumpkin pies are fall staples. In the same spirit, the Pleasant Grove Elementary School library of Mt. Washington, Ky., has started it own pumpkin tradition. In September, the library hosted its second annual Storybook Pumpkin Decorating Contest @ your library. Students designed and exhibited pumpkins decorated to look like their favorite literary characters. The grand-prize winner won lunch with the school librarian and received a new book. All the pumpkins areccurrently featured on the school’s website.

The McCracken County Public Library of Paducah, Ky., invited students to spend Fall Break @ your library. Throughout the course of a week, students created autumnal flower arrangements, made sculptures from recycled books, played with board games and Legos® and made candy “sushi.”

Since ghost and ghouls might be too frightening for younger library users, the James Kennedy Public Library of Dyersvill, Iowa, will host Family Halloween Movies @ your library. Families are invited to the library to watch “Pooh’s Heffalump Halloween Movie” and “Spooky Buddies” during the week leading up to Halloween.

As part of its Third Thursday @ your library program series, the Williamsburg (Va.) Regional Library will host “Dishing on Thanksgiving.” A local chef will introduce participants to new Thanksgiving dishes and present creative ideas for what to do with the leftovers.

The Campaign for America’s Libraries ( is ALA’s public awareness campaign that promotes the value of libraries and librarians. Thousands of libraries of all types – across the country and around the globe - use the Campaign’s @ your library® brand. The Campaign is made possible by ALA’s Library Champions, corporations and foundations.


Megan McFarlane

Campaign Coordinator

Public Information Office (PIO)

800-545-2433 ext.2148