For immediate release | September 13, 2011

AASL launches new Knowledge Quest website

CHICAGO - Knowledge Quest, the journal of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL), now has an all new website at Coinciding with the newly released September/October 2011 issue on “Educational Gaming,” the newly launched site features a variety of additional content and resources related to the theme of the issue.

Highlighted by icons and easier-to-use navigation, the new site offers visitors electronic versions of current and back issues, as well as:

  • A New Podcast Series– Want to know more about Educational Gaming? Click on “Podcasts” to listen to an interview with school librarian and guest editor Terri Kirk on what you can expect from her issue of Knowledge Quest.
  • A New Webinar Series– AASL is proud to present the first webinar of a new series based on features in Knowledge Quest! On Oct. 11, the first webinar, “Using Games to Support the Curriculum: Getting Teachers on Board” by Annalisa Crews, will discuss how board games aligned with the school curriculum can help students learn while having fun.
  • Online Bonus Features– Read website-only content based on the articles in Knowledge Quest. For September/October you’ll find lesson plans ideas from school librarian Khalida Mashriqi.
  • Additional Resources– Looking for links you saw in the new issue or for more information on creating games? Click on the “Additional Resources” page to find information on presentations, essential links, gaming websites and a variety of other information relevant to the theme of the issue.
  • Spotlight on School Library Media Research (SLMR)– For in-depth research related to Knowledge Quest themes, visit the SLMR Spotlight, which offers links to studies published in School Library Media Research (SLMR).
  • An Electronic Calendar– Stay up-to-date with Knowledge Quest and browse the theme descriptions and the important dates for upcoming issues.
  • Knowledge Quest Poll– We want to know what you think! Take our question of the month poll on what’s happening in today’s school libraries.
  • Electronic Submission Forms– Sharing your ideas with Knowledge Quest has never been so easy. Looking to write for the journal? Click on “Write For Knowledge Quest” to view downloadable Author Guidelines and fill out an electronic submission form.

Visit the new Knowledge Quest website today at

Published bimonthly September through June by the American Association of School Librarians, Knowledge Quest is devoted to offering substantive information to assist building-level school librarians, supervisors, library educators, and other decision makers concerned with the development of school library programs and services. Articles address the integration of theory and practice in school librarianship and new developments in education, learning theory, and relevant disciplines.

The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), promotes the improvement and extension of library services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library field.
