For immediate release | April 15, 2011

YALSA announces 2011 Teens’ Top Ten nominations

CHICAGO — Nominations for the Young Adult Library Services Association’s (YALSA) annual Teens’ Top Ten are now available at

YALSA encourages teens to read the 25 nominees before the national Teens’ Top Ten vote, which will take place in August and September at The winners will be announced during Teen Read Week, Oct. 16-22.

The nominations are:

  • Bachorz, Pam. "Drought."
  • Beam, Cris. "I Am J."
  • Beaudoin, Sean. "You Killed Wesley Payne."
  • Black, Holly and Justine Larbalestier. "Zombies vs. Unicorns."
  • Card, Orson Scott. "The Lost Gate."
  • Clare, Cassandra. "The Clockwork Angel."
  • Collins, Suzanne. "Mockingjay."
  • Collins, Yvonne. "Love, Inc."
  • Condie, Ally. "Matched."
  • Cremer, Andrea. "Nightshade."
  • Fitzpatrick, Becca. "Crescendo."
  • Grant, Michael. "Lies."
  • Hawkins, Rachel. "Demonglass."
  • Hakwins, Rachel. "Hex Hall."
  • Kagawa, Julie. "The Iron King."
  • Lore, Pittacus. "I Am Number Four."
  • Moore, Peter. "Red Moon Rising."
  • Nelson, Jandy. "The Sky is Everywhere."
  • Oliver, Lauren. "Before I Fall."
  • O’Neal, Ellis. "The False Princess."
  • Patterson, James. "Angel: A Maximum Ride Novel."
  • Pearce, Jackson. "Sisters Red."
  • Smith, Cynthia Leitich. "Blessed."
  • Westerfeld, Scott. "Behemoth."
  • White, Kiersten. "Paranormalcy."

The Teens' Top Ten is a teen choice list, in which teens nominate and choose their favorite books of the previous year. Nominators are members of the YA Galley program — teen book groups in 16 school and public libraries around the country. Teen book groups for YA Galley are chosen every two years; the next round of applicants will be chosen in 2012.

Nominations are posted on Support Teen Literature Day during National Library Week. The 10 nominations that receive the most votes will be named the official Teens' Top Ten. Nominated titles were published between January 2010 and March 15, 2011.

For more than 50 years, YALSA has been the world leader in selecting books, videos and audiobooks for teens. For more information about YALSA or for lists of recommended reading, viewing and listening, go to, or contact the YALSA office by phone, 800-545-2433, ext. 4390, or e-mail,


Stephanie Kuenn