For immediate release | April 19, 2011

Pass It On! Celebrate Preservation Week April 24-30

CHICAGO – Preservation Week marks its second anniversary April 24-30. Recognizing the critical role libraries play in preservation, the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), in partnership with the Library of Congress and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, is proud to bring Preservation Week to libraries across the country. This national awareness campaign was developed to promote the understanding and importance of care for personal and community cultural heritage collections whether books, documents, photographs, textiles, paintings, sculptures, furniture and decorative arts or whatever any person or community collects. Preservation Week is very pleased to have the support of many corporate sponsors including Archival Products, Gaylord, The HF Group, and ITHAKA.

Preservation Week provides a time when thousands will turn to libraries across the U.S. for information and expertise on how to preserve collectibles, photos, family records and other valuable materials. During Preservation Week, themed “Pass it on!,” participating libraries will offer special programs and services that help connect library users with preservation tools; promote the importance of preservation; and enhance knowledge of preservation issues among the general public.

The Preservation Week website ( connects librarians and the public with excellent resources, tracks programs across the country, enables people to share their stories and provides information on a wide variety of preservation issues. There is a wealth of information for those interested in participating in an event or in holding their own event. The website includes an Event Toolkit with ideas for low-cost activities, a speaker’s bureau containing names and contact information for preservation professionals willing to speak on various preservation topics and marketing tools for promoting your own Preservation Week such as logos, bookmarks and tips for writing press releases. Local events can be found on the regularly updated Google Map, which plots all locations of planned preservation activities. If your institution plans to host an open event, please post it to the Preservation Week 2011 Google Map ( Doing so will help promote your event, and assist with the broader aims of Preservation Week.

Libraries can:

People can share their stories by clicking the “Share your Story” icon on the main page.

Find more events on the “Events Calendar.” Register for the free webinars. This year Preservation Week is offering three: on April 26 – Protecting & Saving Family Treasures, on the April 27 - Protecting Future Access Now and on the April 28 – Preserving Your Personal Digital Memories. To register for any of the webinars, visit our events page at: We’d like to thank The HF Group and ITHAKA for sponsoring these webinars.

A Preservation Week poster and bookmark is now available in the ALA Store. Help support Preservation Week. Visit the ALA Store:

ALCTS is very pleased to have Corporate and Organizational Partners for Preservation Week, including the Society of American Archivists, Heritage Preservation and American Institute of Conservation. Visit our “Partners” page for more information and special offers and resources.

Our goal for 2011 is to have Preservation Week events in every state, community and library. Please join us in the effort to preserve and protect our cultural heritage by participating in a Preservation Week activity or by hosting your own event. And Pass It On!

ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.
