For immediate release | March 22, 2011

Registration for the 2011 PLA Virtual Spring Symposium closes on Friday, March 25

CHICAGO — The close of registration is quickly approaching for the Public Library Association’s (PLA) 2011 Virtual Spring Symposium on March 30. Due to technical preparations for the event, PLA will be unable to process any registrations after 4:30 p.m. CDT on Friday, March 25.

Registration is currently available online with a credit card or via fax or mail (must be received by close of registration) with a PO, check or credit card.

Through the years PLA’s Spring Symposia have built a reputation as premier education events for public library staff. This year, PLA is bringing that same level of professional development and inspiration online with the Virtual Spring Symposium, from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. CDT on March 30.

Moderated by Meg (Canada) Knodl, this full day of public library education will offer a total of eight education programs across four tracks — Technology and Youth Services tracks will run simultaneously in the morning, while Administration/Leadership and Adult Services tracks will run in the afternoon. For the full schedule, click here.

Individual registrants will be able to switch between simultaneous tracks to find what suits them best, while registered groups will be given a code that enables them to stream simultaneous tracks at the same time (on two computers) to help their team get the most out of the day.

Additional highlights of the day are a lunchtime interview with author Diane Ackerman ("A Natural History of the Senses," "The Zookeepers Wife"), and a closing session, “The Sustainable Library,” with George Needham and Joan Frye Williams.

Cost to attend PLA’s Virtual Spring Symposium is $125 (PLA Members), $155 (ALA Members) and $185 (Nonmembers). Group registration costs are as follows: $225 (one-three participants), $450 (four-nine participants) and $750 (10+ participants).

PLA is a division of the American Library Association. PLA’s core purpose is to strengthen public libraries and their contribution to the communities they serve. Its mission is to enhance the development and effectiveness of public library staff and public library services.


Amy Sargent