For immediate release | March 8, 2011
Call for proposals for the ALA Research Series
CHICAGO — The ALA Office for Research & Statistics invites manuscript, book and article proposals for the peer reviewed ALA Research Series.
The ALA Research Series expands the knowledge base of library research by publishing quantitative and/or qualitative research and analysis that addresses topics important to libraries, librarians and education in the profession–accessible, useful, practical, sustainable research. The series seeks proposals for a complete monograph or articles toward an edited volume and is distinguished by:
- Encouraging research based on methods other than surveys, such as observational research, content analysis, grounded theory research and ethnographic technique, as well as research that blend different methods;
- Not being a statistical series; and,
- Publishing annually, either monographs or edited volumes.
Topical areas of interest to the review panel include disaster recovery, assessing return on investment for technology applications (e.g., Web 2.0), information literacy, new forms of engagement in learning/scholarship, scholarly communication and impact of social media, scholarly evaluation methods, ‘digital citizenship’ and impact of economic downturn on library services. Research must be completed and have been conducted in the past three years. Preliminary findings of ongoing research are acceptable.
The ALA Research Series is a peer-reviewed publication with an editorial panel comprised of experienced library researchers and practitioners. The review panel has membership representing a broad array of expertise and perspectives in library research topics. Manuscript and proposal review is blind and submissions are accepted from North American authors and international submissions will be considered.
All submissions must be received electronically by close of business Friday, April 29, 2011. Please visit for more information about the call for manuscripts, author guidelines and timeline.
Cathleen J. Bourdon
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