For immediate release | March 8, 2011

ALSC tabs West Palm Beach as 2011 BWI Award winner

CHICAGO - The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) has awarded the West Palm Beach (Fla.) Public Library the 2011 ALSC/BWI Summer Reading Program Grant. The $3,000 grant, donated by Book Wholesalers, Inc. (BWI), provides financial assistance to a public library for developing outstanding summer reading programs for children.

The West Palm Beach Public Library serves a diverse and growing population of young readers. In addition to reading logs for preschool, elementary and teenage children, the library is creating two interactive rooms with age-appropriate games, science and craft activities to support their theme Storyopolis. Each week children will enter different chapters of Storyopolis to experience mythology, mystery, science fiction, fantasy, people and places in a hands-on, literary-based environment. The library anticipates a 5-percent increase in participation in the summer reading program, which last year reached nearly 5,000 children and families and 1,300 teens.

“The Grant Administration Committee believes the money received will be well used in providing a creative, theme-based summer reading program and appreciated by this needy community,” said committee Chair Susan Velfort. “With this grant, they’ll be able to bring books and stories alive to many children living in homes without access to books, magazines and computers."

ALSC, a division of the ALA, is the world’s largest organization dedicated to the support and enhancement of library service to children. With a network of more than 4,200 children’s and youth librarians, literature experts, publishers and educational faculty, ALSC is committed to creating a better future for children through libraries. To learn more about ALSC, visit ALSC’s Web site at

Members of the 2011 ALSC Grant Administration Committee include: Susan Velfort, chair, King County (Wash.) Library System; Nancy Baumann, School of Information Science & Learning Technologies, University of Missouri; Krista Britton, Prince William (Va.) Schools; Lori Coffey Hancock, Lexington (Ky.) School; Melanie Lyttle, Madison (Ohio) Public Library; Katherine Tekakwitha McCabe, Briarcliff Middle School, N.Y.; Kristine Springer, St. Joseph County (Ind.) Public Library; Tracy-Lyn Van Dyne, Conetquot (N.Y.) Public Library; and Vera Wexler, N.Y..


Dan Rude