For immediate release | February 28, 2011
Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award to Eleanor Cook
CHICAGO — The Acquisitions Section of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) has selected Eleanor Cook, associate professor and assistant director for Collections & Technical Services at East Carolina University, Joyner Library, to receive the 2011 Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award. The award will be presented on Sunday, June 26, at the ALCTS Awards Ceremony during the 2011 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in New Orleans.
The Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award, sponsored annually by Harrassowitz, is given to a librarian to recognize contributions and outstanding leadership in the field of acquisitions and includes a $1,500 monetary award.
Cook has a particularly strong record of dedicated service to the profession and has served in a number of positions at various libraries since she began her professional career. For the past 30 years, she has made continuing and lasting contributions to acquisitions librarianship.
She is involved in state, national and local professional associations. She has been active in various ALCTS committees and in elected positions; served as NAISG president; actively participated in the North Carolina Serials Interest Group; and the Charleston Conference where she recently was awarded the Vicky Speck ABC-Clio Leadership Award.
Cook is a great communicator—always on top of major issues, hot topics and resources needed among acquisitions professionals. She contributes to acquisitions forums, resources, news and connections on a daily basis via the ACQNET-L listserv. Over the last 20 years, Eleanor has risen to editor of ACQNET-L, providing current communications among acquisitions professionals. ACQNET-L has more than 1,700 subscribers who depend on it as a primary source of important issues. She is a contributor to the acquisitions literature with her regular columns for Against the Grain, book chapters, blogs and articles. She is a frequent speaker at library conferences on a variety of topics. Her resume displays more than 30 acquisitions-related presentations on a variety of topics.
She has had a long and distinguished career. Her support and willingness to help others for the good of the profession is admirable. She has not only been a mentor and educator to new acquisitions librarians, but a valuable resource to our profession.
The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) is the national association for information providers who work in collections and technical services, such as acquisitions, cataloging, collection development, preservation and continuing resources in digital and print formats.
ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.
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