For immediate release | February 15, 2011

Bogle-Pratt International Library Travel Fund winner announced

CHICAGO - Madeline Mundt is the 2011 recipient of the American Library Association (ALA) International Relations Committee's "Bogle-Pratt International Library Travel Fund."

The Bogle Memorial Fund and the Pratt Institute School of Information and Library Science will provide a $1,000 cash award for Mundt to attend her first international conference in Bilbao, Spain.

The award is in recognition of Sarah Comly Norris Bogle, a prominent U.S. librarian who made notable contributions to international library service.

Mundt is planning to attend the International Conference on Technology, Knowledge, and Society at the Universidad del País Vasco in Bilbao, Spain. At the conference she will present a paper titled “New Media, New Challenges: The Library and Multimedia Literacy in Higher Education.” She said global connections are of vital importance and participating in an international conference will help build ties in the library and information profession. “Through my paper and participation in the Conference’s 'Technology and Education' stream, I will gain a global perspective on the library’s role in helping students evaluate, use and produce multimedia content,” she added.

“Ms. Mundt, is a reference librarian/subject specialist for Anthropology, Basque Studies, Ethnic Studies, Social and Sociology and a multimedia specialist at the University of Nevada, Reno. She will present a paper entitled 'New Media, New Challenges: The Library and Multimedia Literacy in Higher Education' at the International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society in Bilbao, Spain. Her background, her paper topic and the conference being held in the Basque region made her our choice for the Bogle Pratt Award,” said Sharon Bostick, Bogle Pratt Committee chair.

Mundt will be recognized during the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans.

Please visit the Bogle Pratt International Travel Grant for more information or contact the International Relations Office at | +01 (312) 280-3201.


Delin Guerra