For immediate release | January 18, 2011
ALSC names 2011 Notable Children’s Recordings
CHICAGO - The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), has selected its 2011 list of Notable Children’s Recordings. The list includes recordings for children 14 years of age and younger of especially commendable quality that demonstrate respect for young people’s intelligence and imagination; exhibit venturesome creativity; and reflect and encourage the interests of children and young adolescents in exemplary ways.
The recordings selected are:
“Alchemy and Meggy Swann.” Listening Library
“Boom!” Listening Library
“The Call of the Wild.” Listening Library
“Cantilena: Night Songs from Around the World.” Yellow Tail Records
“Chicken Little.” Weston Woods
“Clementine: Friend of the Week.” Recorded Books
“Crocodile Tears (Alex Rider Series).” Recorded Books
“The Curious Garden.” Weston Woods
“The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins.” Weston Woods
“Epossumondas Plays Possum.” Recorded Books
“Forge.” Brilliance Audio
“Here in Harlem: Poems in Many Voices.” Live Oak Media
“If You Were a Penguin.” Live Oak Media
“Jungle Gym.” Carpet Square Records
“The King and the Thrush: Tales of Goodness and Greed.” Eastern Coyote Recordings
“The Magician’s Elephant.” Brilliance Audio
“Mockingbird.” Recorded Books
“The New Explorers Club.” Flannery Brothers
“One Crazy Summer.” Recorded Books
“Ranky Tanky.” Mayhem Music
“Splat the Cat.” Weston Woods
“They Called Themselves the K.K.K.” Brilliance Audio
“The True Meaning of Smekday.” Listening Library
“The Water Seeker.” Listening Library
“What to Do about Alice?” Weston Woods
For an annotated list of the above recordings, including recommended age levels, visit the ALSC website. More information about all of ALSC’s Children’s Notable Lists is available at, click on “Awards & Grants” and “Children’s Notable Lists.”
Members of the 2011 Notable Children's Recordings Committee are: Karen M. Perry, chair, RJ Reynolds High School, Winston-Salem, N.C.; Sharon Haupt, San Luis Obispo (Calif.) Coastal Unified Schools; Sharon Levin, Redwood City, Calif.; Susan Z. Melcher, Louisville, Ky.; Daniel L. Meyer, Kew Gardens Hills, N.Y.; Lynda Poling, Brewitt Neighborhood Library, Long Beach (Calif.) Public Library and Information System; Tracy Reid Sumler, DC Public Library, Washington, D.C.; and Janet Sue Thompson, Chicago Public Library.
Laura Schulte-Cooper
Program Officer
Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC)
lschulte@ala.org800-545-2433 ext.2165
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