For immediate release | September 16, 2010
Learn how to stretch your dollars in YALSA’s YA budgeting class this fall
CHICAGO — Are you facing a smaller budget, with more service demand? Are you trying to introduce new services you know teens at your library will want, but you’re facing pushback because your management tells you that they just don’t have the resources?
Join the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) this fall for Growing, Managing, and Defending the YA Budget, a brand-new online course this fall aimed at helping you stretch your budget dollars, apply for grants and make the case for funding to your management and your community.
Over four weeks, students in this class will learn effective strategies for selling and defending the teen services budget to library administrators and managers, tools for finding and successfully applying for grants and other awards and how to stretch your library’s existing dollars by partnering with Friends groups or putting high-quality and low-budget programs into place.
Instructor Monique Delatte, a 2010 Library Journal Mover & Shaker and acquisitions librarian at Fullerton College and librarian at Rio Hondo Community College, successfully applied for more than $50,000 in grants and awards in two years while working for the County of Los Angeles public libraries.
Growing, Managing, and Defending the YA Budget runs Oct. 4 through Nov. 1 and costs $135 for YALSA members, $175 for ALA members and $195 for nonmembers. Registration ends Sept. 27.
Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more, and all YALSA e-courses are available for licensing; contact Eve Gaus at or 1 (800) 545-2433, ext. 5293, for more information. For more information on YALSA’s online courses, please visit
For more than 50 years, YALSA has been the world leader in selecting books, videos and audio books for teens. For more information about these awards or for additional lists of recommended reading, go to For more information about YALSA, please contact us via e-mail,, or by phone, at 1 (800) 545-2433 ext. 4390.
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