For immediate release | September 22, 2010
John Cotton Dana Award winners will receive $5,000: Apply Now!
CHICAGO - You have done the creative work—the brainstorming, the text writing, the graphic design, the printing. The material you produced to promote that special library program, event or series of events was successful, and your library was delighted with your work. You were recognized at a Library Board or Commission meeting. Everybody loves you.
But how much more would they love you if your campaign won the most prestigious award in the world of library public relations, not to mention a check for $5,000?
Not to sound too much like the state lottery, but you can’t win if you don’t enter, and now is the time for that. Entries for the 65th John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award are being accepted now through Dec. 4 by the Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA).
“Times are hard right now for a lot of libraries and library systems around the country,” said John Cotton Dana Committee Chair Kim Terry, “and a department in the library that is prime for taking a financial hit is marketing and public relations. Everybody could use a little extra cash and there’s nothing wrong with admitting it. The award goes in the trophy case, and $5,000 would pay for a lot of bookmarks, brochures and posters.”
The monetary prize is awarded by the competition’s sponsor, the H.W. Wilson Company and the H.W. Wilson Foundation, which was there for the creation of the award in 1946.
“We encourage all libraries regardless of their size or budget to consider applying for the John Cotton Dana Award,” Terry said. “Wonderful things are happening across this country and internationally that should be shared with everyone and rewarded.”
For an entry form, checklist, guidelines and tips, visit the H.W. Wilson website at
Fred Reuland
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