ALA councilors elected
Contact: Lois Ann Gregory-Wood
Council Secretariat,
ALA Governance Office
(312) 280-3204
For Immediate Release,
April 30, 2010
CHICAGO - 33 members have been elected as Councilors-at-Large on the Council of the American Library Association (ALA) for three-year terms. The terms begin at the conclusion of the 2010 ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC, and extend through the end of the 2013 Annual Conference held in Chicago.
The 2010 - 2013 Councilors-at-Large are:
- Ismail Abdullahi
- Gladys Smiley Bell
- Paula Brehm-Heeger
- Ann Crewdson
- Kelly N. Czarnecki
- Karen E. Downing
- Naphtali Lanette Faris
- Marianne Cole Fues
- Loida A. Garcia-Febo
- Susan Gibbons
- Sol Antonio Gomez
- Janice Greenberg
- Romina Gutierrez
- Nann Blaine Hilyard
- Melissa P. Johnston
- Sue Kamm
- Erlene Bishop Killeen
- Carla M. Land
- Dennis LeLoup
- Mary Mallory
- Bernard A. Margolis
- Carolyn V. Neal
- Michael Porter
- Lauren Marie Pressley
- Cristina Ramirez
- Elizabeth Ridler
- Susan Roman
- Larry Romans
- Doc Roth
- Sarah Smith
- Patrick Sweeney
- Tom Wilding
- Amanda J. Williams
Barbara Miller was also elected as a Councilor-at-Large for a one-year term to begin immediately and expire at the end of the 2011 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA .
ALA Division and Round Table Councilors elected for 2009-2012 include:
ACRL, Maggie Farrell; ALTAFF, Susan J. Schmidt; ASCLA, Kendall French Wiggin; LITA, Adriene Lim; GLBTRT, Peter D. Hepburn; GODORT, John Stevenson; LIRT, Cynthia E. Dottin; LRRT, Wanda Dole; and LSSIRT,
Valeria Fike.
2 proposed bylaw amendments were approved:
To amend Bylaw Article VIII, Committees, Section 8, as follows:
“Votes in the Executive Board, Council, committees, and task forces may be taken by mail, electronic system, or conference call, provided that all members are canvassed simultaneously. A majority vote, provided a quorum has participated, shall be required for passage of any measure voted on by these means. Each of these bodies shall have the authority to set a time limit within which the votes of its members shall be recorded, but if no such time limit is set, no vote shall be counted unless received within 30 days from the day the text of the matter voted upon was properly mailed or distributed to those entitled to vote on the matter involved.”
To revise Bylaw Article X. Notices by Mail, by making Section 2 a new Article XI, and renumbering the current Article XI, Parliamentary Authority, as Bylaw XII. The revised articles will read as follows:
“Article X. Notices by Mail. Sec. 1. Publication of notices in the American Libraries shall be considered sufficient to fulfill the requirement of notice by mail.
Article XI. Voting by Mail. Sec. 1. Votes of the Association membership by mail shall be deemed to be by postal services or electronic means as determined by the executive director who shall be responsible for ensuring the integrity of the ballot.
Article XII. Parliamentary Authority. Sec. 1. Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, in the latest edition, shall govern the Association in all cases to which it can be applied and in which it is not inconsistent with the Constitution, the Bylaws, or special rules of order of the Association. “
A total of 10,858 votes were cast in the election. Council, Division and Round Table elections also were decided.
For complete election results, please visit