AASL's Distinguished Administrators award recipient "knows what's good for kids!"
Contact: Melissa Jacobsen
AASL Communications Specialist
(312) 280-4381
For Immediate Release
May 4, 2010
CHICAGO – At the beginning of his nomination letter, Carl A. Harvey II very simply stated that Vince Barnes, this year's recipient of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Distinguished Administrators Award, is "an amazing educational leader."
According to Harvey, Vince Barnes, principal of North Elementary School in Noblesville, Ind., encourages collaboration between the school librarian and teachers and "creates opportunities for the school librarian to share ideas, activities and resources that would help teachers in their instruction."
Barnes has been the principal at North Elementary School for the past six years. In that time, he has consistently advocated for school libraries and believes they are the center of school learning. He is a vocal supporter of school libraries at district administrator meetings and encourages a flexible schedule for school librarians. Barnes also presented at a workshop on how to build strong principal-school librarian relationships.
As principal, Barnes believes the most important thing he can do to support the library program is hire the best person for the job and provide that person with the resources necessary to develop an outstanding library program for the school. He also believes the best way he can support the school librarian is to "encourage and expect all to collaborate."
Although he has served in an administrative capacity before coming to North, Barnes' knowledge of school library programs was limited. In previous schools, volunteer parents staffed the school library, which was merely a place to check out books. When asked how he became so well versed in the importance of a strong school library program in such a short amount of time, Barnes replied, "I know what's good for kids!"
"Mr. Barnes is very deserving of the Distinguished School Administrators Award. He values the contribution that school librarians can make in student success. He models true collaboration by co-presenting with his school librarian about the importance of school libraries," said Rebecca Jackman. "Carl Harvey, the librarian at Mr. Barnes' school said that Mr. Barnes 'fosters, encourages, and demands an environment where the school library and librarian are part of every major initiative that takes place.'"
Sponsored by ProQuest, the $2,000 award honors a school administrator who has made worthy contributions to the operations of an exemplary school library and to advancing the role of the school library in the educational program.
The American Association of School Librarians,
www.aasl.org, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), promotes the improvement and extension of library services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library field.