District pricing on AASL’s new L4L webinar series and archived webinars available
Contact: Stephanie Book
AASL Manager, Communication
(312) 280-4389
For Immediate Release
March 23, 2010
CHICAGO – The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) presents district pricing options for the new series of Learning4Life (L4L) webinars offered during School Library Month (SLM). In addition, those who missed the 2009 series can now take advantage of district rates for archived L4L webinars.
This April, AASL will offer a new series of webinars supporting the L4L initiative to nationally implement the AASL learning standards and program guidelines. This series will help advance school library programs to meet the needs of the changing school library environment by focusing on the four chapters in “Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs” – Developing Visions for Learning, Teaching for Learning, Building the Learning Environment and Empowering Learning through Leadership.
“District pricing options provide the perfect opportunity for school library program staff and educators to participate in team professional development and to collaboratively review and evaluate your program within the structure of this essential webinar series,” said AASL President Cassandra Barnett.
AASL is offering district pricing for the entire series at $199 for three-five individuals, at $399 for six-nine individuals, and $699 for 10 or more individuals. District pricing packages are available for the entire series only and must be purchased by an AASL member. AASL individual members pricing is also available at $39 per webinar, or $140 for the entire series. ALA member pricing is $69 per webinar, or $248 for the entire series. Non-members can take advantage of the Webinars at $99 per webinar, or $356 for the entire series.
The webinars will be held at 4:30 p.m. CDT on Wednesdays during the month of April. For more information about the L4L webinar series, individual and district pricing options, and to register, visit
http://www.ala.org/aasl/l4lwebinars. Information and pricing on the 2009 series of archived webinars can be found at
The American Association of School Librarians, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), promotes the improvement and extension of library services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library field.