“Ask the ALA Librarian” now a blog on American Libraries Web site
Contact: Sean Fitzpatrick
Associate Editor, American Libraries
For Immediate Release
March 3, 2010
American Libraries, the flagship magazine of the American Library Association (ALA), is partnering on a new blog with the ALA Library to deliver sought-after information based on the current crop of frequently asked questions. ALA Library staff will blog daily on
“Ask the ALA Librarian,” offering another way to stay on top of library-related issues that are on people’s minds.
“We’ve had great response to the weekly ‘Ask the ALA Librarian’ feature in
AL Direct, and are looking forward to being able to share our answers more frequently, more widely and more immediately,” says ALA Librarian Karen Muller. “I’m thrilled to see us rolling out the 21st-century version of a favorite past
American Libraries feature--the Q & A column, ‘Action Exchange,’ which featured questions—and sometimes answers—from the field, along with responses from the ALA Library staff.”
The ALA Library is both the in-house special library for ALA staff and the ‘librarian’s library.’ The library’s staff answers more than 500 questions a month about the ALA—its activities, history, positions, and policies—and about librarianship in general. The questions come from all over the world, from members, publishers, authors, students and others interested in libraries.
à “Ask the ALA Librarian” joins two other new blogs on the
American Libraries website. In
“Perpetual Beta,” Jason Griffey follows tech trends and their library applications, while in
“Green Your Library,” Laura Bruzas shares practical tips for improving environmental friendliness and sustainability where you work. Links to the blogs will appear weekly in
AL Direct.
The blog can be found on the new American Libraries website at
American Libraries is delighted to be extending its 100-year tradition of keeping readers informed in print and (increasingly) online and keeping library and information science and technology workers in touch with the profession’s most current concerns.