Dollar General and ALA renew literacy partnership
Contact: John Amundsen
American Library Association
Communications Specialist
Office for Literacy and Outreach Services
(312) 280-2140
For Immediate Release,
January 16, 2010
70 Grants now available for public libraries serving adult English language learners
BOSTON - The American Library Association (ALA) received a $750,000 two year grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation to continue “The American Dream Starts @ your library”. This new round of funding will help 70 public libraries in Dollar General communities expand their literacy services for adult English language learners.
To be eligible, the applicant institution must be a public library or a public library with a bookmobile providing literacy services for adult English language learners, and must be within 20 miles of a Dollar General Store, distribution center, or corporate office. Each funded library will receive a onetime $5,000 grant.
In 2007, ALA received a similar grant from Dollar General for resource development and library mini grants. In 2008, ALA funded 34 public libraries in 18 states serving communities from under 850 to over a million. Funds were used for collections, outreach, technology, media promotion, and more.
Applications for funding are being accepted online through Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010. Selected applicants will be notified in April, 2010.
To learn more about the American Dream Starts @ your library, the mini grants and to apply online, please visit