"Learn, Create Share” during Teen Tech Week™, March 7-13, 2010
Contact: Macey Morales / Jennifer Petersen
ALA Media Relations
312-280-4393 / 312-280-5043
mmorales@ala.org /
For Immediate Release,
February 2, 2010
Libraries encourage teen creativity and learning through technology
CHICAGO – At thousands of libraries across the United States, teens can log onto computers to complete research for homework or use software to make videos about their favorite books. Libraries offer free access to technology for learning or for fun in a safe environment. In a world where communication is instant and technology changes rapidly, developing solid information literacy skills is more important than ever. Librarians and libraries play an important role in fostering those skills for teens.
Teen Tech Week, a national initiative sponsored by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), highlights the technology available to teens at libraries and that librarians are qualified, trusted information professionals who provide guidance and instruction to teens and their families.
The purpose of Teen Tech Week is to ensure that teens are competent and ethical users of technology, especially the nonprint resources offered through libraries, such as DVDs, databases, audiobooks and videogames.
“Technology is a part of the air that teens breathe. Teen Tech Week gives libraries the chance to highlight how they play a role in helping teens to become safe, smart, and effective users of technology and to acknowledge the importance that technology plays in teen lives,” said Linda W. Braun, YALSA president. “Teens and their families should contact their public or school library to find out what programs and events are scheduled for the week. Teens might also check if there are opportunities for them to help plan and facilitate programs. Many libraries look for teen involvement in the planning and implementation of these programs and teens in the community are often welcome to help out in this way.”
Thousands of school library media centers and public libraries will host special programs and events throughout the week, with teens participating in virtual scavenger hunts, online book clubs, video workshops and more.
Teen Tech Week 2010 celebrates the theme “Learn Create Share @ your library®,” which encourages teen creativity and positions the library as a physical and virtual place for safe exploration of the many types of technology available at libraries, including DVDs, music, gaming, video production, online homework help, social networking, teen workshops, audiobooks and more.
Within this vast tangle of technology, librarians are uniquely suited to provide teens and their families with the knowledge they need. Multiple studies have shown that, while young people are adept at downloading their favorite songs from the Internet or instant messaging with their friends, the majority lack the critical thinking and information literacy skills needed to use online resources effectively.
Teen Tech Week is a national initiative sponsored by the Young Adult Library Services Association, the fastest-growing division of the ALA, and is aimed at teens, their parents, educators and other concerned adults. Promotional Partners include ALA Graphics, Evanced Solutions, Galaxy Press, Rosen Publishing, and Tutor.com. DoSomething.Org is a Nonprofit Supporter. Teen Tech Week began in 2007.
For more than 50 years, YALSA has been the world leader in selecting books, videos and audio books for teens. For more information about Teen Tech Week, visit
For more information about YALSA or for lists of recommended reading, viewing and listening, go to
www.ala.org/yalsa/booklists, or contact the YALSA office by phone, (800) 545-2433, ext. 4390, or e-mail,