National Bookmobile Day online toolkit now available
Contact: John L. Amundsen
Communications Specialist
ALA Office for Literacy and Outreach Services
For Immediate Release,
February 23, 2010
CHICAGO – The American Library Association (ALA) has launched a Web page with resources and tools to help libraries celebrate the inaugural National Bookmobile Day, Wednesday April 14, 2010, during National Library Week.
The page,, features sample publicity materials, including a press release, letter-to-the-editor and proclamations for library staff and supporters to use in their communities. Also included on the page are downloadable National Bookmobile Day logos, bookmark templates, a customizable flyer and links to National Bookmobile Day on social networking sites.
In addition, the toolkit also has links to the National Bookmobile Day community in ALA Connect, where librarians can collaborate and share ideas on promoting the event. Participating libraries can share ideas and stories on how they celebrate the contribution of bookmobiles and direct-delivery outreach.
Part of National Library Week, National Bookmobile Day is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA), the Association for Bookmobile and Outreach Services (ABOS) and the Association for Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL).
For more information on National Bookmobile Day, please contact John Amundsen, Communications Specialist, ALA Office for Literacy and Outreach Services, at (312) 280-2140, or e-mail