ALCTS announces upcoming webinars

Contact: Julie Reese

Events Manager, ALCTS



For Immediate Release,

April 15, 2010

CHICAGO - The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) is offering four webinars over the next two months; two on institutional repositories and two on disaster preparedness.  For registration information visit the Events & Conferences page on the ALCTS Web site at Registration is only $39 for ALCTS members. $49 for non-members, and $99 group rate. All webinars are scheduled for 2 p.m. EDT (1 p.m. CDT, 11 a.m. PDT).

Institutional Repository Series

The Consortial-campus View: Reinventing the IR from All Directions:Â presented by Sharon Farb, Bonnie Tijerina, and Catherine Mitchell

April 28

The California Digital Library (CDL) supports the 10 University of California campuses' institutional repository and campus publishing efforts through the development and central hosting of eScholarship. This presentation will give an overview of a centralized model and the scholarly publishing initiatives taking place at the University of California.

The director of the Publishing Group at the CDL will begin the conversation with an overview of the publishing and dissemination services available through eScholarship and the outreach and marketing campaign recently launched in conjunction with the UC campuses. An eScholarship liaison from UCLA will discuss the role of campus librarians in this model and highlight successful faculty and graduate student publications that transitioned from print to online journals. The presentation will conclude with a library administrator's perspective on new roles for academic libraries and how this works fits in the mission of the institution.

Perpetual Beta: Early Literature about Institutional Repositories and What Assessment Can Tell Us Now:Â presented by Leah Vanderjagt and Allison Sivac

May 19

As we develop new technologies for managing, accessing and preserving information materials, libraries concurrently develop our theories and predictions for how those new technologies will affect our operations, services and patrons; these predictions create a framework within which we designate our workflows and measures of success. But to what extent do we consider whether these early assumptions are viable or realistic? How do we understand methods of assessment for institutional repositories (IRs) when we are in a state of perpetual beta? The presenters discuss their findings from a review of the early literature and strategic documents and corresponding/related current statements on IR success, showing the changes between theory and practice, with implications for planning and assessment.

ALCTS thanks Berkeley Electronic Press for their generous support of this webinar series.

Preservation Webinar Series:Â presented by Nancy Kraft

Disaster Preparedness and Planning

May 12, during Preservation Week (May 9-15)

Are you prepared for a disaster to your collection? According to the Heritage Health Index Report issued by Heritage Preservation in partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services, 78 percent of us are not prepared, putting more than 1.6 billion items at risk in our libraries in the U.S. Preparedness is of utmost importance in the event of a disaster, large or small. Learn about the fundamentals of emergency planning, which include identifying key players, assessing risks, establishing collection priorities and other preparations for protection of your collections. Kraft discusses tools available for and gives tips on overcoming roadblocks to writing a disaster plan. Lessons learned in this session can be applied to any size institution.

Disaster Response

June 9

Once a disaster strikes, the knee-jerk reaction is to rush in and save everything. Rushing in without advance planning puts collections at risk of more damage and staff at risk of injury. This session discusses managing a disaster situation and salvaging collections. Topics covered include:Â assessment and planning, working with a vendor and volunteers

handling public relations and managing collection salvage. A single-building incident will be used as a case study to illustrate the implementation of a disaster response effort. Lessons learned in this presentation can be applied to disasters large or small no matter the size of the institution.

Nancy Kraft is the Head of Preservation at the University of Iowa Libraries, where she is responsible for directing the preservation and conservation of the library collections. In 2009 she received the Midwest Archives Conference Presidents’ Award for her extraordinary work following the historic levels of flooding that struck Iowa in the summer of 2008. She is also active in the American Library Association, where she served as 2005-2006 Chair of the Preservation & Reformatting Section of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services.

Preservation Week is a joint project of ALCTS, the Library of Congress, and the Institute for Museum and Library Services with contributing support from many other library and museum organizations. Corporate support is provided by Gaylord,, and Archival Products. For more information on Preservation Week, visit the Web site at

ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.