Register now for upcoming ALCTS Web courses

Contact: Julie Reese

Events Manager, ALCTS



For Immediate Release,

April 15, 2010

CHICAGO - Register now for the popular “Fundamentals” Web courses beginning in May, offered by The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). Coming are the Fundamentals of Acquisitions course and the Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management. Debuting this May is the new Fundamentals of Preservation Web course. This new course should prove to be as sought after as the others. Register now before they sell out!

All three courses are approved for the Library Support Staff Certification Program for the Collections track.

  Fundamentals of Preservation  (an LSSC approved course)

May 10 – June 4

The Fundamentals of Preservation (FOP) web course is an introduction to the principles, policies and practices of preservation in libraries and archives. This course was developed by Karen Brown, University at Albany, SUNY, and Jacob Nadal, UCLA. It is designed to inform all staff, across divisions and departments and at all levels of responsibility. Fundamentals of Preservation will give you the tools you need to begin extending the useful life of your collections.

The course includes:

  • Preservation as a formal library function, and how it reflects and supports the institutional mission
  • The primary role of preventive care, including good storage conditions, emergency planning and careful handling of collections
  • The history and manufacture of physical formats and how this impacts on preservation options
  • Standard methods of care and repair, as well as reformatting options
  • Challenges in preserving digital content and what the implications are for the future of scholarship

Fundamentals of Acquisitions  (an LSSCP approved course)

May 3- May 28

The Fundamentals of Acquisitions (FOA) web course focuses on the library acquisitions basics:

  • goals and methods of acquiring monographs and serials
  • financial management of library collections budgets
  • relationships among acquisitions librarians, library booksellers, subscription agents and publishers.

This course provides a broad overview of the operations involved in acquiring materials after the selection decision is made. As a “fundamentals” course, FOA is tailored for librarians and paraprofessionals new to the acquisitions field, in all types and sizes of libraries. Although many formats and types of materials are discussed, FOA focuses on the acquisition of monographs in a physical format. Even though FOA focuses on physical book acquisitions, the structural components of the course—goals and methods of acquisitions, vendor relations, financial management, and ethics—constitute the key components of acquisition and licensing processes for all library materials, in all formats, in all types of libraries.

Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management  (an LSSCP approved course)

May 3- May 28

The Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management addresses the basic components of these important areas of responsibility in libraries. The course was developed by Peggy Johnson, University of Minnesota. The course covers: complete definition of collection development and collection management; collections policies and budgets as part of library planning; collection development (selecting for and building collections); collection management (e.g., making decisions after materials are selected, including decisions about withdrawal, transfer, preservation); collection analysis—why and how to do it; outreach, liaison, and marketing; and trends and some suggestions about the future for collection development and management.


To register, complete the online registration form for the session you would like to attend available in the Events & Conferences section of the ALCTS Web site:Â

Registration is $109 for ALCTS members and $129 for non-members.

LSSC Approved

These courses are part of a three-part Collection Management elective course approved by the

Library Support Staff Certification Program. To meet the course requirements, LSSC Candidates must successfully complete: Fundamentals of Acquisitions, Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management and Fundamentals of Preservation. For more information on the Program, go toÂ and click the LSSCP icon.

For more information, contact Julie Reese, ALCTS Events Manager, at

ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.