ALCTS 2010 Preservation Awards nominations sought

Contact: Charles Wilt

Executive Director, ALCTS



For Immediate Release

September 8, 2009

CHICAGO - Nominations are being accepted for the 2010 Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) preservation awards. ALCTS presents two Preservation Awards to honor individuals whose work represents the finest achievements in research, collaboration, creative work, leadership and service in preservation.

If you are interested in nominating a candidate for either of the awards, contact the chair of that award jury.
The deadline for nominations and supporting materials is Dec. 1.

  • Banks/Harris Preservation Award:

The award was established to honor the memory of Paul Banks and Carolyn Harris, early leaders in library preservation. The award, $1,500 and a citation, sponsored by Preservation Technologies, L.P., is given to a professional preservation specialist who has been active in the field of preservation and/or conservation for library and/or archival materials. Winners will be chosen based on: leadership in professional associations at local, state, regional or national levels; contributions to the development, application or utilization of new or improved methods, techniques and routines; significant contribution to professional literature; evidence of studies or research in preservation; and training and mentoring in the field of preservation. Send nominations, a formal statement of nomination that provides a strong rationale for the nomination by addressing how the nominee meets the criteria for the award, letters of support for the nomination and a complete resume for the nominee to: Paula DeStefano, chair, Banks/Harris Jury,

  • LBI George Cunha and Susan Swartzburg Preservation Award

The LBI George Cunha and Susan Swartzburg Preservation Award was established by the Preservation and Reformatting Section (PARS) to honor the memory of George Cunha and Susan Swartzburg, early leaders in cooperative preservation programming and strong advocates for collaboration in the field of preservation.

The award acknowledges and supports cooperative preservation projects and/or rewards individuals or groups that foster collaboration for preservation goals. Recipients of the George Cunha and Susan Swartzburg Award demonstrate vision, endorse cooperation and advocate for the preservation of published and primary source resources that capture the richness of our cultural patrimony. The award recognizes the leadership and initiative required to build collaborative networks designed to achieve specific preservation goals. Any person or group is eligible for this award; membership in ALA is not required. The Cunha/Swartzburg Award is sponsored by LBI: The Library Binding Institute and includes a $1,250 grant and citation. Send nominations, including the name of the person or group being nominated; address, phone number and email address of nominee and nominating party; a formal statement of nomination, with rationale for the nomination; resume, vita or extensive narrative career outline upon which the award jury can base its determination; and letters of support and endorsement, to Ann Olszewski, chair, LBI Cunha/Swartzburg Jury,