Freedom to Read Foundation offers free memberships to new library school graduates
Contact: Deborah Caldwell-Stone
Acting Executive Director, FTRF
For Immediate Release
October 8, 2009
CHICAGO - The Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) is offering free one-year memberships to students graduating from ALA-accredited MLS and MLIS programs and from school library media
programs recognized by the American Association of School Librarians (AASL), an educational unit accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).
Students whose graduation date was Aug. 1, 2009 or later can, upon their graduation, download a membership form at and mail, fax or e-mail it to the Freedom to Read Foundation.
“We are very excited to offer this gift to new librarians,” said FTRF president Kent Oliver. “By becoming members of the Freedom to Read Foundation, these professionals will be helping the librarians and library supporters who are on the front lines defending intellectual freedom as well as vital First Amendment litigation that helps uphold many of the core values of librarianship. Offering these free memberships is our way of encouraging the long-term support of the organization and the intellectual freedom principles it upholds.”
As benefits of their membership, the graduates will receive the Freedom to Read Foundation’s quarterly newsletter, and be eligible to vote in the annual trustee election and attend FTRF member receptions. The membership will be good through December 2010.
The Freedom to Read Foundation, an affiliated organization of the American Library Association, was founded in 1969 to promote and defend the right of individuals to freely express ideas and to access information in libraries and elsewhere. FTRF fulfills its mission through the disbursement of grants to individuals and groups, primarily for the purpose of aiding them in litigation, and through direct participation in litigation dealing with freedom of speech and of the press.