ALCTS offers two exciting Midwinter symposia for Boston
Contact: Charles Wilt
Executive Director, ALCTS
For Immediate Release
October 20, 2009
Join your colleagues for two exciting and timely symposia from the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) on Thursday, Jan. 14, and Friday, Jan. 15, just before the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Boston. Registration is now open, so sign up while space is available.
On Thursday, Jan.14:
“Living Digital: The Future of Information and the Role of the Library”
Collections and access to information are the bread and butter of libraries. The digital environment has introduced new materials, new partners and new user expectations into the information arena. Distinguished speakers address such issues as recruiting students into information-related professions, information-seeking behaviors of those living in the digital age, emerging initiatives related to information access and techniques institutions may employ in adapting to new information ecologies. Learn how to facilitate the delivery of information and gain understanding of an environment of constantly evolving genres and increasing quantities of information. Exchange ideas with each other, the speakers and a panel of experts. Select ALA Event Code: ALC1
Speakers: Margaret Ashida, Project Director, Empire State STEM Education Initiative, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Kevin Guthrie, President of Ithaka;
John Palfrey, Henry N. Ess III Professor of Law and Vice Dean for Library and Information Resources, Harvard Law School, and co-author of “Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives”; John Wilkin, Associate University Librarian for Library Information Technology (LIT), University of Michigan and Executive Director of Hathi Trust
Panelists: Ann Wolpert, Director of Libraries, MIT; Jenny Levine, Internet Development Specialist and Strategy Guide, ALA who blogs as The Shifted Librarian; David Stern, Associate University Library for Scholarly Resources, Brown University; John Yemma, Editor, Christian Science Monitor
On Friday, Jan. 15:
“And Now for Something Completely Different: Our Future from Outside the Box”
Several cutting-edge thinkers will prepare short opinion pieces on future trends/issues/developments that are likely to impact research, instruction and scholarly communication. These essays will serve as the foundation for panel discussions among some of these thinkers, selected respondents and attendees on emerging roles for libraries and librarians, particularly collections and technical services librarians. This symposium will build upon the themes developed in the ALCTS Symposium, “Living Digital.” Select ALA Event Code: ALC2
Registration information:
Advance Registration for each one day symposium: ALCTS member: $219.00; ALA member $269; Non-Member $319; Student/retired member $99
Special two day registration price: ALCTS member $349; ALA member $399; Non-Member $419; Student/retired member $198
To register, visit the ALA Midwinter Registration Web page and complete the meeting registration form. Follow the instructions to register online, by mail, or by fax. Note: You do not need to register for the entire Midwinter Meeting to attend this symposium.
Visit the ALCTS website for more Midwinter 2010 events:
ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.