Library workers urged to participate in survey of workplace wellness in libraries

Contact: Jenifer Grady


(312) 280-2424


For Immediate Release

November 24, 2009

CHICAGO - The American Library Association-Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA) and the ALA Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR) are encouraging library employees to participate in the
2009-2010 Library Workplace Wellness online survey. The survey provides an important opportunity for library employees to share information about the availability of, and employee participation in, work/life options in libraries around the nation. The online survey, available at, will be available open through early 2010.

This survey continues the work of the 2007-2008 Library Workplace Wellness online survey. More than 2,500 library employees responded, and ALA-APA’s
Library Worklife newsletter published the results in
four articles. Â The results of this survey will be reported in forthcoming issues of

Library Worklife
. No library or individual names will be identified unless we receive your written permission.

"The success of the survey rests largely on individual response rates,” notes ALA-APA Director Jenifer Grady. “We encourage all library workers to log on and help us create the most complete picture possible of Work/Life options offered in our nation's libraries."

The results of the survey will provide important information for library administrators, ALA-APA and library advocates about the size and scope of work/life initiatives offered in American libraries. ALA-APA also hopes that the survey will raise employer awareness of the prevalence of work/life initiatives like alternative work schedules, wellness classes, health screenings and onsite childcare, initiatives which can significantly improve employer recruitment and retention as well as increase the quality of life for employees. ALA-APA also
compared data from 2003 and 2008 on public and academic library benefits.

ALA-APA advocates growth, advancement and opportunity for all library employees. For additional information about ALA-APA, contact the ALA-APA Director, Jenifer Grady, 1-800-545-2433, ext. 2424, or visit
ALA-APA’s website. HRDR focuses on professional development for library workers, encourages recruitment of a diverse workforce in libraries, and advocates for best practices in human resources and library management. Visit
HRDR’s web site, or contact Director Lorelle Swader at 1-800-545-2433, ext. 4278, for more information.