PBS AMERICAN MASTERS series producers join ALA for gala screening
Contact: Mary S. Konkel, Ã
ALA Video Round Table
For Immediate Release
May 12, 2009
CHICAGO - The American Library Association (ALA) Video Round Table (VRT) will host a special screening of films from the PBS
AMERICAN MASTERS series on Sunday, July 12, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m., at the Gene Siskel Film Center, 164 N State Street. Commentators include AMERICAN MASTERS series filmmakers who will discuss works on American Novelist Louisa May Alcott, Little Women and Helen Keller.
AMERICAN MASTERS commentators will share their work and provide insight into the art of filmmaking as biography. Speakers include Nancy Porter, producer/director and Harriet Reisen, producer/writer of Louisa May Alcott: The Woman behind Little Women and Laurie Block, director/co-writer of Becoming Helen Keller.
Tickets are $25 for VRT members and students and $30 for non members. Admission includes light sandwiches, appetizers, desserts, a cash bar and door prizes. Seating is limited.Ã For more information please visit
http://tinyurl.com/vtrgala .
AMERICAN MASTERS is an ongoing series of award-winning specials examining the lives, works and creative processes of our most outstanding cultural artists.
The VRT provides leadership within the ALA on all issues related to video collections, programs and services in libraries. The VRT supports video advocacy within ALA, within the profession and within our nation’s libraries. The VRT is committed to forging strong alliances and relationships with the film and video production and distribution community to ensure the continuation of a diverse, high-quality universe of video programming.
To learn more about the ALA VRT please visit
http://tinyurl.com/alavtr .