ALA wants your stories about how to Get a Job
Jenifer Grady
For Immediate Release
May 22, 2009
In preparation for a new American Library Association (ALA) Web-based toolkit called Get a Job!, the association is seeking your stories and advice about what to do and what NOT to do to find employment, particularly in this economy. ALA asks employers and consultants to share words of wisdom about what a candidate has done to impress you. ALA wants new employees to share their best tactics in landing the job of their dreams. ALA also invites everyone to send their best preparation, interviewing or “I wish someone had told me” anecdotes for possible inclusion on the website.
Get a Job!, will debut at the ALA Annual Conference, and in addition to the expected resume and cover letters suggestions, will also feature advice on how to use social networking tools in your job search, what to do if you’re laid off, budgeting assistance, networking techniques and strategies for finding out about the economy and jobs in various parts of the United States. The interactive toolkit will include information specific to those seeking their first job, mid-career staff and those changing professions.
The site will be a one-stop resource including and/or linking to information prepared by units within ALA, as well as linking to information about related best practices from other fields. As the site evolves, it will offer tips, suggested links and readings, a blog, podcasts from experts, timelines, and activities/checklists for new librarians and support staff.
Get a Job! is being developed by nine units within the American Library Association in collaboration with the American Library Association-Allied Professional Association.
Email your stories to Jenifer Grady at by Wednesday, June 5, 2009.